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Thema: WWE 2k17

  1. #101
    Mickie Mickie ist offline
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    AW: WWE 2k17

    Zitat Sephiloud Beitrag anzeigen
    Amazon kriegt gar nichts mehr gebacken irgendwie, hab vorbestellt und heut war nichts in der post, die sollen sich mal nen gescheiten lieferservice leisten -.- Steht sogar bei denen das es zugestellt wurde -.-
    War auch nicht beim Nachbarn? Manchmal geben die das einfach ab^^

  2. Anzeige

    AW: WWE 2k17

    Schau dir mal diesen Bereich an. Dort ist für jeden was dabei!
  3. #102
    Sephiloud Sephiloud ist offline
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    AW: WWE 2k17

    Zitat Mickie Beitrag anzeigen
    War auch nicht beim Nachbarn? Manchmal geben die das einfach ab^^
    Ne und wenn liegt da denk ich mal auch ne nachricht das es beim nachbarn sein soll, dass päckchen müsste aber auch in den briefkasten passen, zumindest war es bis jetzt immer so -.-

  4. #103
    Mickie Mickie ist offline
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    AW: WWE 2k17

    Zitat Sephiloud Beitrag anzeigen
    Ne und wenn liegt da denk ich mal auch ne nachricht das es beim nachbarn sein soll, dass päckchen müsste aber auch in den briefkasten passen, zumindest war es bis jetzt immer so -.-
    Ok, muss ja nicht immer sein mit der Nachricht^^ ´Meine Nachbarn haben manchmal 1 Woche meine Sachen, weil ich davon nix weiß^^

  5. #104
    Sephiloud Sephiloud ist offline
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    AW: WWE 2k17

    Zitat Mickie Beitrag anzeigen
    Ok, muss ja nicht immer sein mit der Nachricht^^ ´Meine Nachbarn haben manchmal 1 Woche meine Sachen, weil ich davon nix weiß^^
    Eben deswegen sollten die uns auch benachrichtigen, grad nochmal nachgeschaut und endlich war es in der post^^ Bin grad dabei nen CAW zu erstellen und bin überrrascht, sharingan und Sayajin Frisur Hab mich damals so aufgeregt wo es die Sayajin Frisur nicht mehr gab und jetzt ist die endlich wieder da^^ Ist zwar nur ein kleines detail aber sowas macht mich schon happy

  6. #105
    Sephiloud Sephiloud ist offline
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    AW: WWE 2k17

    Nach ausgiebigen spielen bin ich zu dem punkt gekommen das die mit diesem wwe spiel endlich mal wieder was richtig machen, es fühlt sich an wie früher, das manuelle anvisieren funktioniert hier echt super und man kann auch wenn man es einstellt, Tag Partner und den ref anvisieren Und das Aufgabe Minispiel kann man auch umändern, besonders gut für leute die damit überfordert waren, also jemanden wie mich Das man Bilder die man auf seinem PC hat auch ins spiel einbringen kann find ich auch Mega, gab es zwar damals schon, hab es nur nicht so nutzen können da ich nicht genau wusste wie es geht^^ Irgendwie hab ich auch das gefühl es spielt sich flüssiger und auch griffe und starke griffe wurden etwas bearbeitet oder kommt mir das so vor, früher musste man ja für nen starken griff den gegner aufheben und wenn er taumelte machte man halt nen starken griff und jetzt einfach X gedrückt halten und mein gegner bekommt mal nen harten angriff zu spüren. Das mit den Promos ist noch verbesserungs würdig so das man zu bestimmten situationen eine promo machen kann, es gibt zwar schon gute optionen aber hab manchmal noch das gefühl es passt nicht immer zur situation, eine vertragsunterzeichnung, eine Talkshow und Kopfspielchen fehlen noch aber da es dass erste mal ist das es sowas gibt will ich darüber nicht meckern denn die Promo option find ich richtig nice^^

  7. #106
    MightyMartinez MightyMartinez ist offline

    AW: WWE 2k17

    Ich finde das Spiel richtig cool. Ich bin aber bisschen enttäuscht dass bei meiner NXT Edition eine Asuka Karte drinnen war Wollte eine von Bayley wenn schon eine von den Damen.

  8. #107
    Mickie Mickie ist offline
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    AW: WWE 2k17

    Zitat Donatello2 Beitrag anzeigen
    Ich finde das Spiel richtig cool. Ich bin aber bisschen enttäuscht dass bei meiner NXT Edition eine Asuka Karte drinnen war Wollte eine von Bayley wenn schon eine von den Damen.
    Aska ist doch toll...mache haben ganz andere Karten dabei gehabt...Apollo Crews hab ich auch schon gesheen zb^^

  9. #108
    MightyMartinez MightyMartinez ist offline

    AW: WWE 2k17

    Zitat Mickie Beitrag anzeigen
    Aska ist doch toll...mache haben ganz andere Karten dabei gehabt...Apollo Crews hab ich auch schon gesheen zb^^
    Ich würde nie sagen sie könne nichts im Ring oder sowas aber japanese pro wrestling ist absolute nicht meins. Deswegen kann ich auch eher weniger mit Nakamura was anfangen obwohl ich den derzeitig sehr gut finde.

  10. #109
    Mickie Mickie ist offline
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    AW: WWE 2k17

    Zitat Donatello2 Beitrag anzeigen
    Ich würde nie sagen sie könne nichts im Ring oder sowas aber japanese pro wrestling ist absolute nicht meins. Deswegen kann ich auch eher weniger mit Nakamura was anfangen obwohl ich den derzeitig sehr gut finde.
    Ja ist oft ne Geschmacksfrage. Wobei das schlimmste an dem Spiel ist echt das Aussehen der Frauen. Gruselig wie eh und je...ich habe es auf YT gesehen...oh Gott...

  11. #110
    Cao Cao

    AW: WWE 2k17

    Ein ziemlich interessantes Roster wie ich finde, auch wenn 80% wieder die selben sind
    Habe bis jetzt nur angespielt, und bin soweit auch zufrieden. Allerdings scheinen die ein wenig am Gameplay rumgeschraubt zu haben

  12. #111
    Sephiloud Sephiloud ist offline
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    AW: WWE 2k17

    Was ich auch gut Finde ist das die Tische und Leiter scheinbar Feste Punkte haben wo man die aufstellen kann, Hab grad ne Leiter am Rand des Ringes gestellt und ne Swanton Bomb auf die liegenden gegner Draußen gemacht. Leider scheint das spiel noch viele Bugs zu haben, zum einen bei meinen erstellten char, hab 2 outfits mit verschiedenen Frisuren und aufeinmal hat mein Char anstatt Blaue Sayajin Haare, schwarze Haare -.- Auch ist mir mal Passiert das ich nach nem sprung von ner leiter aufeinmal bei den zuschauern war und das war bestimmt nicht so gewollt vom spiel, sah zumindest komisch aus o.o

  13. #112
    Cloud Cloud ist offline
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    AW: WWE 2k17

    sind die unterschiede zu 2k16 sehr groß ?

    werde mir das spiel erst später holen wenn es billiger ist (oder auf dem trödelmarkt zu finden xD)

  14. #113
    Cao Cao

    AW: WWE 2k17

    Zitat Cloud Beitrag anzeigen
    sind die unterschiede zu 2k16 sehr groß ?

    werde mir das spiel erst später holen wenn es billiger ist (oder auf dem trödelmarkt zu finden xD)
    Bis jetzt finde ich nicht, aber die haben einige coole Extras eingebaut
    z.B. kannst du nach nem Match noch den Gegner weiterhin angreifen

  15. #114
    Sephiloud Sephiloud ist offline
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    AW: WWE 2k17

    Ich find schon das es einige unterschiede hat, man kann in den backstage bereich einfach so gehen, Tische und Leitern kann man nur an bestimmte stellen aufbauen, sind aber reichlich stellen, um damit den geilsten shit zu machen. Man kann gegner nach dem match attackieren wenn man will, man liefert sich jetzt wortgefechte mit rivalen, das submission minispiel kann man diesmal ändern, bei manchen matches mit mehr gegnern passiert es schonmal das sich einer aus den ring rollt um sich dort zu erholen (das find ich am besten so kann man den moment ausnutzen um das match zu beenden), man kann sich durch jubeln zum gegner oder zum publikum ein buff holen, man kann jetzt auch mal wieder zwischen den Publikum kämpfen^^ Ich find schon das es sehr viele neuerungen gibt, die das spiel schon nice macht

  16. #115
    MenocidiX MenocidiX ist offline
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    AW: WWE 2k17

    Alles eher marginal, dafür gibt es haufenweise Bugs.

  17. #116
    Sephiloud Sephiloud ist offline
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    AW: WWE 2k17

    Die promo weißt sehr starke schwächen auf John Cena hat in einer Promo gesagt er verstehe nicht warum man John Cena und Roman Reigns mehr mag als ihn o.o und generell passt da vieles nicht zusammen -.-

  18. #117
    Sephiloud Sephiloud ist offline
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    AW: WWE 2k17

    Hat jemand Bock auf ein Team Bilden Match, Brauche Partner für Tag Team Action
    Hab mich übrigens mal ein wenig online ausgetobt und muss sagen es ist gewöhnungsbedürftig aber wenn man den delay raus hat kann man auch mal gut kontern, hatte auch grad das geilste Triple Threat Match meines Lebens gehabt, so knapp hab ich noch nie nen sieg von getragen o.o

  19. #118
    r0b r0b ist offline
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    AW: WWE 2k17

    WWE 2K17 - Patch 1.02 PS4/XB1 Notes

    Patch 1.02 should be rolling out soon across PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Here's what you can expect.

    • Fixed an issue where downloading WWE Community Creations content with over 14 custom logos could cause save data issues

    • The alternate submission mini-game has been tuned to last longer. Limb Damage is now weighted more heavily in the mini-game. The penalty for incorrect button presses has also been removed
    • Adjusted Alternate Submission AI for Hard and Legend Difficulty so that COM Superstars behave more human-like. COM Superstars now have a higher chance of a delayed response time to button input changes and also input the wrong button press with greater frequency
    • Major Reversals no longer grant a buff to the reversing Superstar. The Major Reversal buff only minorly impacted in buffing Submission Offense and prevented players from receiving a more substantial buff by taunting after performing the Major Reversal. By removing the Major Reversal buff, players can now taunt after a Major Reversal and still get the benefits of a taunt buff
    • Addressed several instances in which finisher stocks were not consumed correctly
    • Fixed exploits with several moves that could not be reversed as well as with moves that didn’t consume a reversal slot
    • Superstars now correctly gain momentum when reversing a diving attack while grounded
    • Fixed issues with the Escape Artist OMG! move not triggering properly
    • Superstars can now reverse apron springboard attacks form the seated position
    • Fixed an issue where performing various moves wasn’t awarding momentum properly
    • Superstars no longer lose a reversal stock when interrupted during a Charged Finisher by an apron-side grapple
    • Addressed several warping issue that occurred when interacting with ladders or opponents on ladders
    • COM Superstars will now leave the crowd area to attempt to stop an opponent from grabbing the briefcase during ladder matches
    • A COM Superstar now recovers properly after receiving a minor head injury while in the crawling state
    • Barricades no longer appear restored after another barricade has been broken through
    • Addressed a framerate issue that could occur during pin attempts by the announce table
    • Addressed clipping and collision issues that occur when fighting near the ramp and stage in custom arenas
    • Fixed a visual issue that occurred when performing the King of Swing OMG! move with a custom Superstar
    • Fixed an issue in which COM Superstars could get stuck and become unhittable during Triple Threat ladder matches
    • Addressed a warping issue that could occur when grappling the referee during a match
    • Diving onto an opponent lying on a ladder bridge will now cause the ladder bridge to collapse
    • The bottom rope elimination gauge in Battle Royal and Royal Rumble matches has been tuned so that elimination triggers are now more accurate
    • Improved framerate stability when breaking out of certain Superstars’ entrances
    • Fixed several moves where Superstars would sell the wrong injured body part after an opponent performed the move
    • The elimination gauge no longer appears for a user in a Battle Royale match who is not involved in the elimination attempt
    • Fixed an issue that occurred when attempting a strong strike against an opponent performing a reversal animation
    • Addressed a framerate issue that occurred when holding a trash can in the backstage area
    • Fixed an issue with Superstars colliding with the apron and receiving unintentional damage when performing a top rope move to a grounded opponent at ringside

    • Improved the stability of the online experience
    • Addressed an issue with missing info on the Player Info screen
    • Fixed an issue that occurred when the host selected a COM slot in the lobby after the completion of a multi-man Private match

    • The user now receives a greater share of scheduled tag team matches while in the tag team division, making it easier to attain ally points
    • Users are now less likely to encounter multiple consecutive weeks without a match scheduled for the MyCareer Superstar
    • T-Shirt sales now start on Week 1 of May, after the tutorial has been completed
    • Fixed an issue where the MyCareer Superstar didn’t appear on the T-Shirt Sales screen if the attire in Options was set to ENTRANCE ATTIRE
    • MyCareer-specific Superstars (e.g. Barron Blade, Jayden Jet, etc.) and MyCareer Invasion Superstars now have unique personality traits
    • When already in a rivalry, the user can no longer schedule a call out promo against a different, non-rival Superstar
    • The crowd is no longer unnaturally quiet in the opening cutscene

    • Addressed an issue in which additional match cards were added to a show card after editing a match card to be a title match
    • Users are now able to manually switch control of tag partners in Universe matches
    • Addressed a stability issue that could occur after deleting the Raw show without replacing it and proceeding to Tonight’s Show
    • Addressed an issue where a Custom Superstar could win a championship after a self-promotion promo
    • The “Weeks Held” statistic now tracks properly regardless of the champion holding the title
    • Fixed an issue in which rivalries featuring a custom tag team didn’t remain active after creation
    • Proceeding to the Highlight Reel no longer blocks the user from selecting “Next Match”
    • Changes made by reassigning a championship to another Superstar will now save after exiting WWE Universe without the need to play or simulate a Universe match first
    • Fixed an issue with saving changes made to a PPV Match Theme
    • The third manager in a match with three managers is now playable

    • COM Superstars now use promo-specific abilities (Brawl, Taunt, Stare Down) during promos
    • The crowd now reacts when Superstars use a promo-specific ability
    • Adjusted the duration and volume of crowd chants during promos

    • Fixed an issue in which Alternate Attire Superstars did not appear properly during entrances
    • Fixed an issue where audience members could float during a match
    • Spotlights no longer appear on Superstars in daytime matches in the WrestleMania 31 arena
    • Superstar entrance screen effects now display properly during shows that have a screen filter applied to the show
    • Addressed a number of issues for clothing clipping into a Superstar’s body
    • Addressed an unnatural shine in certain Superstars’ hair when observed on the main menu
    • Fixed an issue with masks not displaying properly while in a backstage brawl
    • Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman’s victory scene now displays properly after winning any match with Lesnar having Heyman equipped as a manager
    • Multiple users are now able to access the Highlight Reel after a match
    • JBL’s championship entrance now triggers properly when a championship has been assigned to him Fixed an issue with Custom Superstars appearing motionless after winning a Championship Royal Rumble match

    • Fixed a number of issues related to applying hair dye
    • Body art can now be applied below the elbow when applying body art on the left or right arms
    • Fixed various issues where logos didn’t display properly on creation parts that are intended for adding logos
    • A DEFAULT option now exists in Face Photo Capture to reset the face
    • Users now receive an attention prompt warning that using Face Photo Capture after making changes in Face Deformation will reset the facial structure
    • Fixed compatibility issues when adding sideburns to a face photo-applied Superstar
    • Fixed an issue where copied colors could revert if the color it was copied from was edited
    • Color now applies correctly to mask designs
    • Blemishes, Textures, and Wrinkles no longer reset after switching the body type
    • Fixed warping and deformation issues with various long beards and goatees
    • Hooded clothing and hair now layer correctly for WWE Superstars
    • Body art can now be moved in the Edit Layers submenu
    • The user can now adjust the Material option for wrestling tights
    • Fixed an issue where alternate attire created for Ultimate Warrior ’91 didn’t appear on the Superstar select screen

    • The user can now modify logos when they are placed on the turnbuckle pads
    • Addressed a collision issue that could allow Superstars to be able to walk over an invisible stage area
    • Addressed hitching when entering or exiting various submenus
    • Addressed a flickering texture issue when applying textures or patterns to the ramp or stage
    • Fixed an issue with the setting of Movie Display failing to save properly

    • Fixed an issue with intro motions failing to save correctly in Advanced Creation

    • Fixed an issue where filters didn’t function properly when previewing a video after applying a filter
    • Bray Wyatt’s “fireflies” lighting effects no longer appear in the ring or on the ramp

    • Fixed an issue where the lower part of a 1024x256 Logo wouldn’t display properly when selecting to upload it
    • Championships no longer appear distorted when selecting to upload them in WWE Community Creations
    • Pyro effects now trigger in the proper location when viewing them
    • Arena previews now appear clearly when observing them in Downloads

    • Adjusted the crowd levels during various Superstars’ entrances
    • The ring announcer now properly announces team members’ names before the team name for custom tag teams
    • Commentary about managers will no longer trigger during matches with Superstars who do not have manager present in gameplay
    • Addressed a timing issue with the crowd reaction during Bayley’s entrance
    • Pinfall counts can now be heard during steel cage matches
    • Addressed several issues of menu sound effects not triggering throughout the title
    • Chris Jericho’s hometown is now announced correctly
    • Fixed a voiceover issue in the trio entrance for Enzo Amore, Big Cass, and Carmella
    • Addressed an issue where commentary at the end of promos would often get cut off
    • Fixed an issue with the ring announcer not announcing MyCareer-specific Superstars’ names correctly

    • Added support for the WWE 2K17 Legends Pack downloadable content ahead of release.
    • Apollo Crews’ taunt audio now matches with the taunt animation during matches

  20. #119
    r0b r0b ist offline
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    AW: WWE 2k17

    WWE 2K17 Patch 1.03 PS4/XB1 Notes
    This morning, patch 1.03 will go live on PlayStation 4 to address the rest mode save issue and several other items. We are working to get these fixes out to Xbox One users as well as soon as possible (minus the rest mode save issue, which is not present on Xbox One). We will notify the community as soon as we have information on the Xbox One version of the patch.

    EDIT: The patch is live on PS4. It's 1.294 GB.

    • (PlayStation 4 only) - Fixed an issue that could occur when resuming the title from Rest Mode that could affect user save data if Auto-Upload was enabled in Application Saved Data Management

    • Managers will no longer be ejected as a result from attacks made while the referee was downed
    • Increased the recovery time for Superstars after being put through a ladder bridge during a Ladder or TLC match
    • Fixed an issue where COM Superstars would attack their own manager if an opponent was standing behind the manager
    • Fixed an issue where the referee could become idle during pin attempts made after being distracted by an interfering Superstar or manager
    • Addressed strikes performed against the legs of a crawling opponent to appear more natural
    • Addressed the strikes performed against an opponent knocked off the top rope to the mat to appear more natural
    • Addressed a flickering spotlight issues that occurred when fighting in the crowd
    • The manager exit gauge now depletes properly when a manager climbs onto the middle rope during a match
    • The Superstar who performs a successful diving splash onto an opponent propped on a ladder will now recover more quickly than the opponent
    • Fixed an exploit with the Lie Detector so that it can now be reversed
    • Fixed an issue where the defender could get stuck in a corner turnbuckle if an Ambrose Comeback got interrupted. The Ambrose Comeback can no longer be interrupted
    • COM opponents now have a chance to kick out after being hit with the Unicorn Stampede OMG! pin combo
    • Charlotte will now use her Figure 8 finisher more regularly as a COM Superstar
    • Fixed an animation syncing issue that occurred backstage when performing a diving double axe handle off an equipment box against a kneeling opponent
    • Superstars are now only awarded 1 point for count outs during an Iron Man match
    • The Elbow Drop/Knee Strike Combo now displays naturally when performed in a match
    • Users are now able to execute submission moves during a Steel Cage tournament match
    • Addressed a loss of control issue that could occur when eliminating a Superstar from the top rope during a Royal Rumble match
    • Fixed an issue with managers’ pathing to the ring during entrance run-ins
    • Fixed a warping issue when performing the Double Axe Handle 4 move on a grounded opponent
    • Addressed an exploit that could occur when picking up an opponent
    • Fixed an issue with COM Superstars standing idle after reversing certain moves
    • Superstars can now successfully perform diving moves from the top rope against an opponent currently being Irish Whipped
    • Addressed a warping issue that occurred when targeting the head of a supine opponent
    • Addressed exploits around the ability to reverse certain Leg Sweep moves
    • Addressed an exploit when performing Finishers/Signatures from behind that didn’t consume a stock properly
    • Improved COM Superstar pathing to climb over the corner barricade after a Superstar
    • Addressed multiple issues that sometimes occurred with Superstars being unable to remain appropriately grounded after mid-match run-ins and break-outs
    • Fixed an issue where the referee would stop counting additional disqualifications after a certain number had been tallied during an Iron Man match
    • Fixed an issue with the Handspring Enzuigiri springboard move not being performed properly
    • COM Superstars now perform backstage-specific OMG! moves with greater frequency when they are in an appropriate position and have the requisite Finisher stock
    • Addressed an issue with performing strikes against a seated opponent
    • Fixed a warping issue when performing the Earthquake Splash move
    • Fixed an issue with the user being able to perform the Sister Abigail 2 pin combo

    • Improved the loading times for private matches when using Custom Superstars
    • Fixed a matchmaking issue that occurred for alternate attire Superstars in WWE Live
    • Made improvements to pin meter responsiveness in online matches
    • Addressed a display issue that could occur when purchasing a locked Superstar from within WWE Online
    • Fixed an issue with the ring announcement of Superstars’ names when selected in a Private Lobby
    • Fixed an issue where announce tables and steel steps were not visible during online matches
    • Fixed an issue in which the host’s Custom Superstar entrance would repeat for the opponent’s entrance under certain circumstances in a Private Match

    • Addressed title stability issues that could occur when finishing brawls stemming from VS. Promos
    • Non-rival opponent’s self-promos will no longer appear as Rival Events
    • The user will no longer be assigned a rival as a tag team partner
    • Following a pre-match cutscene in which the user’s rival attacks the user’s Superstar, the user’s Superstar will start with lower health in the ensuing match
    • Decreased the frequency of matching up against the same Superstar repeatedly when progressing through the main roster
    • Fixed an issue with COM Superstars not engaging properly in promo brawls
    • Victorious Superstars will now notice and attack users who are performing a post-match run-in
    • The user will no longer be placed in nonsensical title matches when progressing toward winning a second championship

    • Additional matches are no longer added to a Show Card when downloading a Custom Superstar after editing the Show Card
    • Promos ending in brawls now register as completed when returning to the show card
    • Edited promos are now saved immediately when edited via the match card
    • Title rankings will now change more frequently when simulating
    • Controller vibration now works properly during WWE Universe matches
    • Fixed an issue with a Women’s Champion storyline not triggering properly for the final title match
    • The results screen for a self-promo will now indicate whether an interruption occurred
    • Deleting a Custom Superstar through the Deletion Utility will now result in any match featuring that Superstar being removed from the match card
    • Addressed a display issue for tag team images in the news feed
    • Fixed an issue with previous rivalries remaining when a show was deleted and replaced with a new show

    • Fixed an issue with how the Highlight Reel camera tracks Superstars during backstage brawls
    • Addressed an issue in the Highlight Reel where championships wouldn’t be displayed during entrances in which a break-out occurred

    • Post-match replays now show moves leading to pinfall attempts
    • Superstars wearing alternate attires no longer appear with an unnaturally shiny skin tone when observing their entrances
    • Fixed an issue with custom show assets not displaying in custom arenas during Tournament matches
    • Fixed an issue with Roman Reigns’s appearance during cutscenes prior to a title match
    • Fixed an issue with Neville’s cape warping and flickering during his entrance
    • Fixed an issue with Bret Hart’s hair shifting with alternate attire applied
    • Blood now appears properly during post-match replays (if blood is turned ON)
    • Fixed a floating issue that could occur with the Dudley Boyz victory motion

    • Addressed an issue with scars appearing over the clothing of female Superstars
    • Alternate attires are no longer improperly listed under the CUSTOM SUPERSTAR tabs when viewing the tabs in EDIT CUSTOM SUPERSTAR. They are still listed under the ALTERNATE ATTIRE tab
    • Addressed a number of deformation issues that occurred when combining different clothing parts that weren’t intended to be compatible
    • Fixed a texture issue that could occur with headgear
    • Improved the ease of setting specific numbers using the bar sliders throughout WWE Creations – Superstar menus
    • Fixed issues with the appearance of female Superstars’ feet when wearing high-heeled shoes
    • Addressed an issue with chin slider controls being reversed
    • The user is now able to edit the boots and shoes options for Lana and Stephanie McMahon (Manager)
    • Fixed an issue in which certain arm clothing items couldn’t be removed from specific WWE Superstar attires
    • Fixed an issue where applying a cape to a Superstar with facial hair caused warping issues
    • Addressed clipping issues that occurred with longer beards, mustaches, sideburns, and goatees when placed on larger male Superstars
    • Fixed clipping, warping, and shaking issues for various neck accessories
    • “Rutherford” is now spelled correctly among New Jersey Hometowns
    • Two Ric Flair robes are now available to equip for female Superstars
    • Fixed an issue with logos failing to appear on certain headwear parts for female Superstars
    • Fixed visual issues that could occur in the cutscene following a call out promo brawl under certain circumstances
    • Increased the number of upper body accessories to which logos can be applied
    • Custom Superstars’ facial detail now remains consistent when applying Lettering in Face Art
    • Fixed an issue with duplicate clothing items appearing for alternate attires that had no changes compared to the default Superstar

    • Fixed a framerate issue that occurred when adding more than five logos to arenas in WWE Creations – Arena
    • Fixed a camera position issue when previewing certain subcategories

    • Fixed an issue with lighting not resetting when previewing entrance animations
    • Fixed issues with two championships appearing when viewing several singles titles motions
    • Fixed an issue with The Undertaker’s stage pyro not displaying properly
    • Addressed a music timing issue with a The New Day entrance motion
    • Fixed an issue with the commentators disappearing after the user changed the Superstar Template
    • Header, Wall, and Banner parts now appear correctly when previewing Templates in Easy Entrance Creation

    • Show Load video changes to custom videos now save immediately

    • Addressed video slowing and hitching issues when viewing videos
    • Fixed an issue with Superstars shaking at the beginning of cutscenes if the scene loaded too quickly
    • The user is now able to set a custom arena for Cutscenes when creating a video

    • Fixed a number of animation, warping, and clipping issues when previewing various moves
    • Hell’s Gate 2 is now properly listed as a submission move
    • Pop-Up Styles Clash is now listed under the Ringside Finisher category
    • Improved the camera angle for previewing stage dive moves
    • Hurricanrana 2 is now listed in the Irish Whip – Rebound Attacks (Grapple) category

    • Fixed an issue with Gold and Diamond upload slots not being unlocked properly

    • Lilian Garcia will no longer announce a custom singles championship as “championships”
    • Improved the crowd noise level during Asuka’s entrance
    • Fixed an issue with crowd volume when loading into post-match interviews in MyCareer

    • Additional improvements and fixes related to the WWE 2K17 Legends Pack downloadable content

    Des weiteren ist das Goldberg-Pack erhältlich

    - Zwei spielbare Bill Goldberg-Charaktere (WCW und WWE)
    - Spielbare WCW Monday Nitro- und Halloween Havoc-Arenen
    - Zum Preis von 4,99 Euro auf allen Plattformen verfügbar

  21. #120
    r0b r0b ist offline
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    AW: WWE 2K16

    Get Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake, Eddie Guerrero, Greg “The Hammer” Valentine, Sycho Sid, and Tatanka in the WWE 2K17 Legends Pack. Available now!

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