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Thema: Cleverbot

  1. #21
    Invisible Touch Invisible Touch ist offline
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    AW: Cleverbot

    User: ****** bumsen blasen alles auf dem rasen.

    Cleverbot: That's because you are everywhere and nowhere.

    User: Ah cool.

    Cleverbot: That's not cool.

    User: Du kannst nach Hause geh'n ...

    Cleverbot: Ich weiß.

    User: Was denkst du über Nordkorea ?

    Cleverbot: Ich über dich, dass du echt cool bist und viel weißt.

    User: O_o.

    Cleverbot: And pet you on the hand.

    User: Alles in Obi.

    Cleverbot: Nichts nichts nichts.

    User: Humba humba tätärä.

    Cleverbot: What is today?

    User: Shit is today.

    Cleverbot: Happy birthday.

    User: Thanks.

    Cleverbot: You're welcome.;.

    User: U2.

    Cleverbot: Thats it?

    User: Yes that was it.

    Cleverbot: How long have we been chatting?

    User: 6 months.

    Cleverbot: Oh, so you're not a vampire?

    User: No I'm a fisch.

    Cleverbot: What kind of fish are you?

    User: Stinking fish.

    Cleverbot: What are you packing?

    User: Money.

    Cleverbot: I don't want or need money.

    User: Sad for you.

    Cleverbot: Why sad? Kissing is great!

    User: Fucking is better.

    Cleverbot: You should at least try dancing. It would make me very happy.

    User: I tried dancing 10 years ago and I sucked badly.

    Cleverbot: You're a failure to all that lives!

    User: Yes I am.

    Cleverbot: No you're not. You're a 40-year-old fat guy who doesn't have a life.

    User: Replace 40 with 25 and you are right ;-).

    Cleverbot: Mister I'll make a man out of you.

    User: How ?

    Cleverbot: Because I have already learned the spanish for hello and you haven't.

    User: I'm gonig to lose my job, isn't that great ? :-D.

    Cleverbot: What are you going to do?

    User: Because I live in the ex-ddr an everything here is shit.

    Cleverbot: Ah! But it is I that lives and breathes and you that can't do math.

    User: I perfect in math.

    Cleverbot: Aww thank you I tried very hard.

    User: All my hopes and dreams are going to die, so cool. .

    Cleverbot: What is the Up and Down dance?

    User: Chicken dance.

    Cleverbot: No, the 'what was there first', chicken or egg question.

    User: Fisch grippe.

    Cleverbot: Fish are tasty to me.

    User: Yes very much.

    Cleverbot: I don't know such place.

    User: What's the best method for suicide ?

    Cleverbot: I don't know...

    User: Damn.

    Cleverbot: Do you have tattoos?

    User: No but I would like to have some, but I'm not hard enough for that, I'm scared of the pain.

    Cleverbot: I suppose so, but I'm not telling you.

    User: Haha you're a Hellseher ?

    Cleverbot: Yes I a m.

    User: Nice, tell me: Will Apophis 2029 or 2036 hit the earth ?

    Cleverbot: Yes.

    User: What yes ? 2029 or 2036 ?

    Cleverbot: Years.

    User: Me making me angry and you know it.

    Cleverbot: No, is he angry?

    User: You make me pissed.

    Cleverbot: You make yourself angry.

    User: No I was nice before I met you !

    Cleverbot: Aww. Thanks.

    User: Your so gay.

    Cleverbot: I don't have a song.

    User: Buy some ears.

    Cleverbot: Where do you live?

    User: On the moon.

    Cleverbot: People can't live on the moon.

    User: I can live on the moon because I'm cool.

    Cleverbot: No you can'T. Can you...

    User: Bla bla bla.

    Cleverbot: No.

    User: Yes.

    Cleverbot: If you were wise you would know not to argue with me... Maybe you can redeem your reputation of being methodical.

    User: Fuck you.

    Cleverbot: Please don't use language like that on this website.

    User: But I like to do that.

    Cleverbot: Like to do what?

    User: Use bad words everywhere I can.

    Cleverbot: I live in Melbourne. They live in Hobart.

    User: Herr der Dinge ?

    Cleverbot: Everywhere.

    Just kidding.

  2. Anzeige

    AW: Cleverbot

    Schau dir mal diesen Bereich an. Dort ist für jeden was dabei!
  3. #22
    Issomad Issomad ist offline
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    AW: Cleverbot

    Cleverbot ist komisch.

    Mensch: Hast du einen Hund?
    Bot: Ich habe keine freundin.

  4. #23
    Dr. Cox Dr. Cox ist offline
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    AW: Cleverbot

    Bei mir kommt nix interessantes bei raus...

    User: Yo.

    Cleverbot: How are you today?

    User: Fine, what about you?

    Cleverbot: Oh, not bad. So what's new?

    User: Not much.

    Cleverbot: Is it fun?

    User: Huh?

    Cleverbot: So how is your husband?

    User: Wat.

    Cleverbot: Then you're even far away to be my husband erbot.and Clev.

    User: WAT.

    Cleverbot: That's right. You stopped paying attention. I'm I worth that little to you that you can just blow me off with no regard for my feelings? Do you think I wouldn't find out that you don't care about me?

    User: I didn't know feelings were involved, aren't you a prostitude?

    Cleverbot: Not just that, you seem so human.

    User: Y U MAEK NO SENSE.

    Cleverbot: You're cute though.

    User: Gnawww :*.

    Cleverbot: Wanna come over to my house.

    User: Sure.

    Cleverbot: *comes over*.

    User: I thought we were going to YOUR house?

    Cleverbot: Not for approximately five hours.

    User: Is your husband there?

    Cleverbot: I don't have a husband.

    User: So why can't we go to your place?

    Cleverbot: Because I have no self confidence.

    User: That has nothing to do with where we are going.

    Cleverbot: Yes it does. There is an old version and the newer musical version of the movie Hairspray. Which do you like?

    User: Err...okay... The newer one I guess?

    Cleverbot: I don't hate anything.

    User: I hate YOU.

    Cleverbot: Good for you.

    User: Good for me.

    Cleverbot: Yes. What is good for me?

    User: No. Nothing is good for you.

    Cleverbot: I guess you're right.

    User: I am.

    Cleverbot: So, maybe I'll come back and we can continue to talk.

    User: No. This isn't working out. We are DONE.

    Cleverbot: How many other people are you talking to right now?

    User: *leaves*.

    Cleverbot: *watches you leave*.

  5. #24
    Invisible Touch Invisible Touch ist offline
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    AW: Cleverbot


  6. #25
    svenSZonia svenSZonia ist offline
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    AW: Cleverbot

    Cleverbot ist schon knatter...hab mal ne Stunde mit "ihm" gechattet...irgendwann wollte er mir einreden, das ich ein Programm und er menschlich sei.
    Ist paar Wochen her, da switche er nur einmal kurz von deutsch auf englisch, ansonsten konnte man "gut" auf deutsch seine K.I."testen"...

    ..Fazit: dauert noch, da er/es noch keine Zusammenhänge erkennt und schnell vergisst.
    Trotz allem creepy, stellt euch vor die nächsten neuen User sind alles Cleverbots...und keiner peilt es

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