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  1. #1
    Melli1401 Melli1401 ist offline
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    Ausrufezeichen KORREKTURLESEN ENGLISCH - helft mir BITTE

    da ich mich gerade mit steilen Schritten in Richtung Abitur bewege (März 2012), geht es bei mir um JEDEN (Noten-)Punkt.

    Aus diesem Grunde BITTE ich euch/dich, meine nachfolgend angehängten (Word-)Texte (immer ca. 1 Seite lang, damit es auch in kurzer Zeit schaffbar ist) auf grammatische UND sprachliche Defizite zu überpfügen und möglichst farbig (z.B. rot) zu verbessern!
    -> einfach als neues Word-Dokument anhängen und unter KEINEN UMSTÄNDEN als Text einfügen (Feind liest mit und muss nicht jeden, von mir gemachten Fehler unbedingt einsehen können).

    - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Ich wäre euch SEHR DANKBAR und könnte IM GEGENZUG unter anderem Hilfestellungen in Mathe, Physik, Geschichte, Erdkunde oder anderen Fächer (bis Klasse 13) anbieten!

    P.S. Ich bin schon seit geraumer Zeit hier im Forum Mitglied, konnte schon einige Fragen beantworten und habe mich NICHT nur für dieses "Korrekturlesen" angemeldet!

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    Ausrufezeichen KORREKTURLESEN ENGLISCH - helft mir BITTE

    Schau dir mal diesen Bereich an. Dort ist für jeden was dabei!
  3. #2
    Basti Basti ist offline


    Hereinafter the situation of Ethnic Minorities (klein) in the United States shall be shown. Therefore the African American, Asian American and the Hispanics as the biggest minority groups are paradigmatic chosen. Beside their living conditions, their actual situation and future prospects shall also their relationship (Satzbau???) between each other or to the White Americans considered. In consequence of various factors, among other things globalization evolved in the last centuries more and more a multiculturalism society, especially in the United States of America and parts of Europe. Moreover, many people leave their home country and immigrate to other states, in following elaboration the United States of America, to have a better life or can practice religion freely. Whether these beliefs and expectations are right, other factors beside the Immigration (klein) as well are of vital importance and if discrimination nowadays is petty anyway or not are key questions.
    Sense and purpose of the elaboration is, to gain an insight of the world of different ethnicity. Opinions, moral values, living conditions (Komma)? their culture and religion shall be not only (Satzbau?) presented, but also understood and accepted. Furthermore, false beliefs, for instance that most minorities’ won´t be integrated or can´t speak English, shall be eliminated and shall be thought-provoking (ein shall be streichen). In addition to that, future prospects of cohabitation and trends of the process in the next years are given.

    First of all, it is vitally to define the most important terms to understand coherences as well as differences as regards acceptance of the respective minority groups.
    Hab mal markiert was mir auf die Schnelle aufgefallen ist.

    P.S.: Zitate werden Gästen nicht gezeigt. Das Word-Dokument aber schon. Also besser als Zitat anstatt anhängen. Habe das Dokument aus deinem Beitrag entfernt sonst findest du es in ein paar Minuten bei Google

  4. #3
    Nicoletta Nicoletta ist offline


    Und wie kommen wir nun zum Original um es mal aus dieser Quelle heraus zu betrachten???


  5. #4
    Basti Basti ist offline


    Zitat Sugar Beitrag anzeigen
    Und wie kommen wir nun zum Original um es mal aus dieser Quelle heraus zu betrachten???

    Denk dir meine Markierungen weg. Ich habe ja nichts verändert.

  6. #5
    Nicoletta Nicoletta ist offline


    Zitat Basti Beitrag anzeigen
    Denk dir meine Markierungen weg. Ich habe ja nichts verändert.
    Ah... jetztz ... JA!

    Gibts auch einen deutschen Quelltext? Der liest sich bischen sehr formal.... für meinen Geschmack.

  7. #6


    Ja, es liest sich sehr hochgestochen. Aber ich weiß ja nicht, was in der Aufgabe verlangt ist? Wissenschaftlicher Text oder einfach ein Aufsatz?

    Es ist auch sehr verschachtelt, ich würde ein paar Sätze auseinandernehmen und in mehrere Sätze aufteilen. Man verliert in manchen Zeilen den Überblick, was du eigentlich sagen wolltest. Und can't und won't und sowas ausschreiben.

  8. #7
    Basti Basti ist offline


    Ja, musste auch manchen Satz mehrfach lesen. Teilweise umständlich formuliert.

  9. #8
    Nicoletta Nicoletta ist offline


    Wär mal nett wenn sich der Verfasser erstmal dazu meldet, oder?

  10. #9
    Basti Basti ist offline


    Zitat Sugar Beitrag anzeigen
    Wär mal nett wenn sich der Verfasser erstmal dazu meldet, oder?
    Ja, vielleicht noch mal drüberschaun und dann wieder posten. Kann dann auch noch auf einzelne Sätze/Formulierungen eingehen. Andere habe sicher auch noch gute Tipps.

    Wäre hilfreich zu wissen wofür der Text gedacht ist. Was die Vorgabe ist...

  11. #10
    Melli1401 Melli1401 ist offline
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    vielen Dank für die vielen Antworten in so kurzer Zeit.
    Eigentlich sollte diese die Einleitung meiner Hausarbeit darstellen. Da ich in Englisch jedoch eine Niete bin und zudem noch nie eine Hausarbeit verfasst habe (immer Präsentationen vorgezogen), konnte ich mich nur an Vorgaben zur Einleitung orientieren.
    P.S. Da noch einige Seiten folgen, würde es mich freuen, wenn Ihr mir weiter so helfen / korrigieren würdet. DANKE!

    Hereinafter the situation of [e]thnic [m]inorities (klein -> habe ich als "festen" Begriff aufgefasst) in the United States shall be shown. Therefore the African American, Asian American and the Hispanics as the biggest minority groups are paradigmatic chosen. Beside their living conditions, their actual situation and future prospects shall also their relationship (Satzbau??? -> bin leider eine totale NIETE in Englisch! würdest du dann: "their relationship also shall" schreiben?) between each other or to the White Americans considered. In consequence of various factors, among other things globalization evolved in the last centuries more and more a multiculturalism society, especially in the United States of America and parts of Europe. Moreover, many people leave their home country and immigrate to other states, in following elaboration the United States of America, to have a better life or can practice religion freely. Whether these beliefs and expectations are right, other factors beside the [i]mmigration (klein -> natürlich) as well are of vital importance and if discrimination nowadays is petty anyway or not are key questions.
    Sense and purpose of the elaboration is, to gain an insight of the world of different ethnicity. Opinions, moral values, living conditions[,] (Komma? -> kann sein?) their culture and religion shall be not only (Satzbau? ->siehe oben: wie umschreiben???) presented, but also understood and accepted. Furthermore, false beliefs, for instance that most minorities’ won´t be integrated or can´t speak English, shall be eliminated and [shall be] thought-provoking (ein shall be streichen). In addition to that, future prospects of cohabitation and trends of the process in the next years are given.

    First of all, it is vitally to define the most important terms to understand coherences as well as differences as regards acceptance of the respective minority groups.

  12. #11
    Basti Basti ist offline


    Du solltest dich nicht selbst ständig als Niete bezeichnen ... es geht wirklich schlechter - du kannst das doch. Schaue heute Abend noch mal drüber...wenn du wieder was geschrieben hast kannst du es natürlich posten.

  13. #12
    Nicoletta Nicoletta ist offline


    Sorry, ich würde ja gern helfen, bin aber völlig auf dem Schlauch.

    Schick doch einfach bitte mal den unveränderten Urtext! Wenn vorhanden auch den in Deutsch. Bei all den bunten Textteilen vergeht mir die Lust auseinander zu fisseln was gemeint und geschrieben ist...

  14. #13
    Melli1401 Melli1401 ist offline
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    Also hier nochmals der Text:

    Hereinafter the situation of ethnic minorities (falls als "Thema" bzw. feste Bezeichnung nicht doch großgeschrieben) in the United States shall be shown. Therefore the African American, Asian American and the Hispanics as the biggest minority groups are paradigmatic chosen. Beside their living conditions, their actual situation and future prospects shall also their relationship (Wie kann ich den Satzbau richtigstellen???) between each other or to the White Americans considered. In consequence of various factors, among other things globalization evolved in the last centuries more and more a multiculturalism society, especially in the United States of America and parts of Europe. Moreover, many people leave their home country and immigrate to other states, in following elaboration the United States of America, to have a better life or can practice religion freely. Whether these beliefs and expectations are right, other factors beside the immigration as well are of vital importance and if discrimination nowadays is petty anyway or not are key questions.
    Sense and purpose of the elaboration is, to gain an insight of the world of different ethnicity. Opinions, moral values, living conditions, their culture and religion shall be not only (Wie kann ich den Satzbau richtigstellen???) presented, but also understood and accepted. Furthermore, false beliefs, for instance that most minorities’ won´t be integrated or can´t speak English, shall be eliminated and thought-provoking. In addition to that, future prospects of cohabitation and trends of the process in the next years are given.

    First of all, it is vitally to define the most important terms to understand coherences as well as differences as regards acceptance of the respective minority groups.

    Nochmals als Anmerkung:

    Dient als Einleitung meiner Hausarbeit, von welcher morgen weitere Seiten folgen. DANKE für jede Hilfe!

  15. #14
    Melli1401 Melli1401 ist offline
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    Hier ein neuer Textteil:
    The term African American refers to all individuals who “having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa” . Beside descendants of Sub-Saharan Africa, Nigeria, Kenya or any other African state, the term includes residents who self-identity themselves as Black, Negro or African American . Hence, in following elaboration there are no differences among African American alone or in combination with another race.
    With 13.6 percent of total population and numeral just above 42 millions, the African Americans are the second largest minority group of the United States . Between 2000 and 2010, percentage change of this group is with 15.4 percent considerably higher as of the total population of the United States (9.7 percent). Similar trends are also noted by several other minority groups, for example the Hispanics. Most of them speak American English and / or African American Vernacular English, the so called Black English. Apart from the mentioned, a few African American speak Gullah language, which has grave influences from West and Central African languages. Beside their conformity in language, they are also adjusted in relating to religion. The majority of African American is protestant, followed by Roman Catholics and Muslim minorities.
    If you now think about their actual situation in the United States from this perspective, you normally must think that they are integrated, accepted and esteemed, but the coexistence among the White American and the African American has a deep background. Already at the beginning of the 16th Century, at the time of colonial era, the first Africans are enslaved. Even after the signing of the Declaration of Independence 1776, slavery was not abolished and the African Americans were treated like animals. After the victory of the Union in the Civil War (1863 – 1865), Abraham Lincoln causes with the Emancipation Proclamation freedom for the slaves in all 25 states of the Union. Based on the continuous confrontation discrimination and poverty, the Great Migration to the North started. Not till the Civil Rights Movement (1954 - 1968) racism and discrimination directly abolished in the South. Step-by-step, there are attempts to increase participation at public and private life. As result of this endeavors, the African American moved back to the South since the 1970s . Nowadays there is anew a concentration of African American in the South of the United States. 55 percent live in the South; anyhow 18.1 percent in the Midwest, followed by 17.1 percent in die Northeast and only 9.8 percent in the West . Furthermore, there is a concentration in six states in the South, where the African American represent over 25
    percent of the total population. These are Mississippi (38 percent), Louisiana (33 percent), Georgia (32 percent), Maryland (31 percent), South Carolina (29 percent), Alabama (27 percent) and at the top the District of California with over 50 percent (52.2 percent) . The main causes for this reversion of the Great Migration are above all the possibility to live in close touch with nature, lower living costs, lesser anonymous living environment and the political change by which skin color is uninterested .
    Bitte vergesst den einen Beitrag weiter oben angeführten Text nicht!

  16. #15
    Saedul Saedul ist offline
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    Hereinafter the situation of ethnic minorities (falls als "Thema" bzw. feste Bezeichnung nicht doch großgeschrieben) in the United States shall be shown. Therefore the African American, Asian American and the Hispanics as the biggest minority groups are paradigmatic(Adverb? -ly) chosen. Beside living conditions, actual situation and future prospects, their relationship to one another and/or to the White Americans shall be considered as well(Nur ein Vorschlag). In the last centuries due to various factors- such as globalization - more and more multicultural societies evolved , especially in the United States of America and parts of Europe. Moreover, many people leave their home country and immigrate to other states, in following elaboration the United States of America, to have a better life or can practice religion freely. Whether these beliefs and expectations are right, other factors beside the immigration Entfernt are of vital importance and if discrimination nowadays is petty anyway or not are key questions.(Der ganze Satz ist etwas unglücklich)
    Sense and purpose of the elaboration is, to gain an insight of the world of different ethnicity. Opinions, moral values, living conditions, their culture and religion shall not only be presented, but also understood and accepted. Furthermore, false beliefs(These als Tatsache!), for instance that most minorities’ won´t be integrated or can´t speak English, shall be eliminated and thought-provoking(Grammatisch und ausdrucksmäßig sehr fragwürdig). In addition to that, future prospects of cohabitation and future trends are given.

    First of all, it is vital to define the most important terms to understand coherences as well as differences as regards acceptance of the respective minority groups(Nicht sicher was du ausdrücken willst).

    Was fettgedruckt ist hab ich verändert, kursives entfernt und unterstrichenes erscheint mir fragwürdig. Was Zeichensetzung angeht, solltest du jemand anderes fragen. Ansonsten ein paar allgemeine Anmerkungen:
    1. Du drückst mit vielen Worten wenig aus. Versuch dich auf das wesentliche zu beschränken, umso weniger Fehler kannst du machen und davon abgesehen wirst du den Prüfer damit über den mangelnden Inhalt nicht hinweg täuschen - im Gegenteil eher darauf hinweisen.
    2. Alles was ich verändert habe sind nur Vorschläge. Ich kann und will dir keine Gewähr geben.
    3. Wenn dies deine Einleitung ist, sollte sie deine Gliederung wiedergeben. Also behalt den Aufbau im Auge

  17. #16
    Saedul Saedul ist offline
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    The term African American refers to all individuals Entfernt “having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa” . Beside descendants of Sub-Saharan Africa, Nigeria, Kenya or any other African state, the term includes residents who self-identity themselves as Black, Negro or African American . Hence, in following the(?) elaboration there are no differences among African American alone or in combination with another race(was willst du sagen?).
    With 13.6 percent of total population(von was) and numeral just above 42 millions, the African Americans are the second largest minority group of the United States . Between 2000 and 2010, the percentage change of this group is with 15.4 percent considerably higher than the one of the total population of the United States (9.7 percent). Similar trends are also noted by several other minority groups, for example the Hispanics. Most of them speak American English and / or African American Vernacular English, the so called "Black English". Apart from the mentioned, a few African American speak Gullah language, which carries grave influences from West and Central African languages. Beside their conformity in language, they are also adjusted in relation to religion. The majority of African American is protestant, followed by Roman Catholics and Muslim minorities.
    If you now think about their actual situation in the United States from this perspective, you normally must think that they are integrated, accepted and esteemed, but the coexistence among the White American and the African American has a deep background. Already at the beginning of the 16th Century, at the time of colonial era, the first Africans are enslaved. Even after the signing of the Declaration of Independence 1776, slavery was not abolished and the African Americans were treated like animals. After the victory of the Union in the Civil War (1863 – 1865), Abraham Lincoln caused freedom with the Emancipation Proclamation for the slaves in all 25 states of the Union. Based on the continuous confrontation discrimination and poverty, the Great Migration to the North started. Not till (was?) the Civil Rights Movement (1954 - 1968) racism and discrimination directly abolished in the South. Step-by-step, there are attempts to increase participation at public and private life(Absatz?). As result of this endeavors, the African American moved back to the South since the 1970s . Nowadays there is anew a concentration of African American in the South of the United States. 55 percent live in the South; anyhow 18.1 percent in the Midwest, followed by 17.1 percent in die Northeast and only 9.8 percent in the West . Furthermore, there is a concentration in six states in the South, where the African American represent over 25
    percent of the total population. These are Mississippi (38 percent), Louisiana (33 percent), Georgia (32 percent), Maryland (31 percent), South Carolina (29 percent), Alabama (27 percent) and at the top the District of California with over 50 percent (52.2 percent) . The main causes for this reversion of the Great Migration are above all the possibility to live in close touch with nature, lower living costs, lesser anonymous living environment and the political change by which skin color is uninterested .

  18. #17
    Melli1401 Melli1401 ist offline
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    Teil 1:
    [….] Moreover, many people leave their home country and immigrate to other states, in following elaboration the united states of america (es handelt sich in der Hausarbeit um die USA), to have a better life or can practice religion freely. Whether (sollte eigentlich für “ob” stehen?) these beliefs and expectations are right, other factors beside the immigration of vital importance and if discrimination nowadays is petty anyway or not are key questions (unglücklich formuliert? -> problem bei zu vielen ‘eingriffen’ -> ich sollte es selbst schreiben).
    !!! beginning with the african american, the asian american and later the hispanics, every single minority group shall be examined in detail. Constructing on this, future trends in the united states shall be shown and with a concluding result, the term paper shall be rounded off. !!! (zur veranschaulichung der Gliederung)

    [….] furthermore, beliefs as for instance that most minorities’ won´t be integrated or can´t speak english, shall be eliminated and thought-provoking. In addition to that, future prospects of cohabitation and future trends are given.

    First of all, it is vital to define the most important terms to understand coherences among in terms of the individual minority groups.
    P.S. Groß- und Kleinschreibung nicht beachten - wurde falsch übernommen!

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Teil 2:
    [….] Whereby, in the following elaboration there are no differences among African American alone or in combination with another race (Egal ob “nur” 1 Rasse oder mehrere angegeben wurden).
    With 13.6 percent of total population and numeral just above 42 millions, the African Americans are the second largest minority group of the United States . Between 2000 and 2010, the percentage change of this group is with 15.4 percent considerably higher than the one of the total population of the United States (9.7 percent).

    […], which carries grave influences from West and Central African languages. Beside their conformity in language, they are also adjusted in relation to religion. The majority of African American is protestant, followed by Roman Catholics and Muslim minorities.

    […] Abraham Lincoln caused freedom with the Emancipation Proclamation freedom for the slaves in all 25 states of the Union. Based on the continuous confrontation discrimination and poverty, the Great Migration to the North started. Not till (erst seit?) the Civil Rights Movement (1954 - 1968) racism and discrimination directly abolished in the South. Step-by-step, there are attempts to increase participation at public and private life.
    P.S. Groß- und Kleinschreibung nicht beachten - wurde falsch übernommen!

    - - - - - - - - - - - -


    The election of the democratic candidate Barack Obama as the first African American president in November 2008 was constructed as a breakthrough of equality for minorities, especially the African American.

    About 95 percent of the African American and more than two-thirds of the Hispanics voted for Obama. Generally, the election success of Obama is based on minorities’ votes . Enhancements in healthcare system and betterments for minorities in political and social issues are the main reasons to elect the democratic candidate. Even if this election as latest approach between African American and White American reflects a loosening of tensions, it also shows that deep-seated prejudices cannot eliminated easily. Despite all the care taken, African Americans suffer from discrimination, racism, crime, substance abuse and poverty even today. Nearly 16 percent and numeral roughly 3,630,000 of the African American, who are 25 years old and over, have not even a high school graduate . Consequently they have a higher unemployment rate and they are more often affected of poverty. In 2010, 27.4 percent of the African Americans are affected of poverty . It should be noted that even a daily occupations not always helps to a social advancement. Admittedly a certain part of African American had reached the middleclass, but most of them live black belts. That is because their real median household income totals only 32,068 dollars . In the wake of unemployment, 20.8 percent of them, most notably children and young adults under 25 years, are uninsured . On that account the African Americans have no bright look-out to improve their situation and escape out of the doom loop of crime, poverty and discrimination. This is aggravated by the fact that most White Americans be unaware of the above-mentioned circumstances among which the African American live. Based on this lack of knowledge, almost everybody of them speak out against reparation payment for the descendants of black slaves or other benefits for African American.
    Against their poor circumstances the African Americans influence the American culture deeply. Not only their agricultural skills, art, clothing styles but also their literature, food, language as well as social and technological innovations became important for modern-day America. Furthermore, the current mainstream music based on African American musical forms, for example jazz, hip-hop, rhythm'n'blues or blues.

  19. #18
    Saedul Saedul ist offline
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    The election of the democratic candidate Barack Obama as the first African American president in November 2008 was constructed as(war konstruiert als?Vllt einfach weglassen!) a breakthrough of(for/in favour of) equality for(of) minorities, especially the African American.( Bin mir bei diesem Satz recht unsicher werd es nochma überprüfen)

    About 95 percent of the African American and more than two-thirds of the Hispanics voted for Obama. Generally, the election success of Obama is based on minorities’ votes . Enhancements in the healthcare system and betterments for minorities in political and social issues are(Vergangenheit) the main reasons to elect the democratic candidate. Even if this election - as latest approach between African American and White American - reflects a loosening of tensions, it also shows that deep-seated prejudices cannot be eliminated easily. Despite all the care taken, African Americans suffer from discrimination, racism, crime, substance abuse and poverty even today. Nearly 16 percent and numeral roughly 3,630,000 of the African American, who are 25 years old and more, have not even acquired a high school graduate. Consequently they have a higher unemployment rate and they are more often affected by poverty. In 2010, 27.4 percent of the African Americans are affected by poverty. It should be noted that even a daily occupation does not always help to gain social advancement. Admittedly a certain part of African Americans had reached(has reached?) the middleclass(nicht sicher ob das die selbe Entsprechung hat), but most of them live black belts(der AUsdruck ist mir nicht bekannt). That is because their real median household income totals only 32,068 dollars . In the wake of unemployment, 20.8 percent of them, most notably children and young adults below the age of 25, are uninsured . On that account the African Americans have no bright look-out to improve their situation and escape out of the doom loop of crime, poverty and discrimination. This is aggravated by the fact that most White Americans are unaware of the circumstances the African Americans live in. Based on this lack of knowledge, almost everybody of them speaks out against reparation payment for the descendants of black slaves or other benefits for African Americans.
    Against their poor circumstances the African Americans influence the American culture deeply. Not only their agricultural skills, art, clothing styles became important for modern-day America but also their literature, food, language as well as social and technological innovations. Furthermore, the current mainstream music is partly based on African American musical forms, for example jazz, hip-hop, rhythm'n'blues or blues.

  20. #19
    Melli1401 Melli1401 ist offline
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    Nochmals ein weiterer Textteil:

    Black inventors as for example George Washington Carver, who created any number of methods to enhance the efficiency of agronomy, are import for the development of the United States, too . Occasionally African Americans are involved in politics, communication media as well as radio and television.
    - - - - - - - - -

    The term Asian American refers to all individuals “having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent” . Beside for instance humans out of China, India, Japan, Korea, Pakistan or Malaysia, the term includes residents who self-identity themselves as Asian, Filipino, Vietnamese or other Asian . Whereby, in the following elaboration there are no differences among Asian American alone or in combination with another race.

    Even if the Asian Americans with 5.6 percent of total population and numeral roughly 17.3 millions are not the biggest minority group of the United States, they are in spite of all that a really important one . Between 2000 and 2010, percentage change of this group is with 45.57 percent the highest of all demographic groups. An important consideration for that fact is that the major part of them not immigrated before the 1960s. Already with the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882 the immigration of Asian became forbidden. In the year 1907, the immigration of labour migrants out of Japan prohibited once again (Gentlemen's Agreement). In the wake of the Immigration Act of 1917, all the other Asians have no permission to immigrate onward. During World War II, many Asian were kidnapped and brought to internment camps. Only after the dismissal of the Immigration Act (1924) in the year 1965, Asians can be immigrated unimpeded to the United States on a large scale .

    Today, almost every Asian American can speak English and surely commonly Asian languages, but at home nearly 80 percent speak Chinese. Relating to religion, they have sundry thinking. Atheism, Agnosticism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and also Christianly are noted. Consequently they are divided into many ethnic subgroups as for example Bangladeshi and Pakistani Americans, Indian Americans, Filipino Americans and Vietnamese Americans which all had really different opinions and beliefs based on their history . As compared to other minority groups, there is no appreciable demographic concentration. With 57 percent, Asian American only made up the highest proportion of population in Hawaii. Thereby not only the relative small number of Asian American, but also the many ethnic subgroups are significant points. As opposed to the other minority groups, the Asian Americans have the highest level of education. In 2010, 91.2 percent of Asian American men and 87 percent of the Asian American women had a high school graduate or more. Actually 52.55 percent even had a college graduate or more . On the basis of higher education, their real median household income totals 64,308 dollars in 2010 . Therewith they even earn roughly 10,000 dollars more than the White Americans and 15,000 dollars more than the everyman. Thereby, the most of them are engaged in the service sector, the computer industry or in the software industry in promising positions. Beyond that just 12.1 percent of the Asian Americans are affected of poverty, the second lowest percentage after the White Americans . Farther, Asian Americans changing as practitioners the medical horizon and influence therewith the healthcare system and medical technology ongoing. Politics, science, business, entertainment and arts are other domains, the Asian American affect the daily American life. One of the most important circle of influence is notwithstanding food. In daily American life, the Chinese or Asian food is the new generation of fast food.

    Altogether the Asian Americans often award the term “model minority” as regards exemplary function . Due to diligence, patience and adaption, Asian Americans get good education, good jobs and earning good money. Other minority groups should fellow them and keep working hard to get the same status. According to all accounts, Asian Americans are no longer discriminated against and will be accepted in society. But if you looking from the viewpoint of the Asian American, you must admit that they are admittedly not discriminated against in this way, but nevertheless they are not exempt of discrimination.

    If the so called Chinatowns are places of deliberately secession of the other Americans is iffy. Examples for today´s Chinatowns are San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, New York City and many others. In times past these Chinatowns are often condemned as dirty and unhygienic districts, but in the last 20 years a process of change has introduced. All the while there are popular tourist attractions, but no accepted residential areas. Any time recently, there infrastructure and education institutes are enlarged and refurbished. However this fact operates sinister to the traditional Chinese characteristic and primary meaning in times of gold rush (as of 1848). Today only few Asian Americans, mainly old-established families, live there. Moreover, many in suburbs living Asian, visit events or their friends there and utilize the Chinatowns to obtain contacts to other Asian Americans. For the aspiring new generation of African Americans, Chinatowns be immaterial. They live in big cities, for instance New York altogether with the
    White Americans.

  21. #20
    Melli1401 Melli1401 ist offline
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    Der voraussichtlich vorletzte Teil:

    The term Hispanics (or Latino) refers to all individuals of “Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race” . Beside for instance humans out of Argentina, Spain or Ecuadorian, the term includes residents who self-identity themselves as Hispanics, impartial of their race. As distinct from the other minority groups, the term Hispanic is independent of race. Whereby, in the following elaboration there are the Hispanics as a whole and without any differences among the single subgroups examined.

    The term is characterized by the US administration in the 1970s. Nowadays it substantiated mostly on self-identification, based on similar social and political interest as for instance bilingual lessons in school or better chances to keep the citizenship of the United States. Hispanics are continuous represented in the United States since the 16th century and with this longer as every other minority group. The Spanish, as representatives of the today’s Hispanics, built the first European settlement in the territory of today’s United States of America. Especially in military, Hispanics involved since the American Revolution not only continuously, but also successfully and in the higher echelons .

    With over 50 million supporters and numeral 16.3 percent of the total population, the Hispanics represent the largest minority group in the United States . The Mexicans embody with 63.0 percent by far the biggest subgroup. Between 2000 and 2010, percentage change of this group is with 43.0 percent the second highest of all demographic groups. The chief reason for that is the more and more increasing birth rate. Only a fractional part of the Hispanics had immigrated in the last years. Since 2000, the number of new immigrants proportional is pushed into the background . Despite all subgroups, there is a demographic concentration of them in the West and South of the United States . 41 percent of them live in the West and 36 percent in the South. Totaled up, more than three-quarters of them live there.

    Today, Hispanics are nearly equally affected of poverty than the African Americans. 26.6 percent of the Hispanics must live with deprived backgrounds . Numerical, roughly 13.4 million Hispanics lack on existential needs. Consequently, just above 30 percent of all Hispanics are uninsured . Moreover, only 62.9 percent of all Hispanics have a high school graduate in 2010 . Even African Americans with 84.2 percent have much more. In addition to that, only 13.9 percent of the Hispanics have a college graduate or more. Taking it all round, they have by a long way the lowest standard of education and with this the worst chances to get a job and improve their situation. To crown it all, the Hispanics who have a daily occupation, only have a real median household income of 37,759 dollars . That implies that a daily occupation not necessarily helps to get a middle-class life, but improves their situation in spite of everything in any case. Thought 35 percent of the Hispanics are immigrated in the last five years, bilingualism is usual. Nonetheless 70 percent of them talk Spanish with some Anglicism at home or with the family. In terms of religion, the Hispanics are in complete agreement. 72 percent of them are Catholic, 19 percent are Protestant and most of the others have no religious preferences.

    There cultural and political meaning increased in the last years steadily. The traditional Spanish music influences all the major musical genres in this day and age. With Robert Goizueta, the head of The Coca-Cola Company or Charlie Sheen as an actor, the Hispanics are represented in business and media as well. Beside the same circle of influence as the other minority groups, for example science, sports and literature, the Hispanics influence the political and economic happenings, too. Based on their baby boom and strong growing percentage of total population, this group wins influences at a high rate. For the simple reason that they often live in big states with a large number of electors, they can affect presidential elections deeply. For the same reason, they can turn the scale in so called swing states which have no discernible party affiliation. In the economic sense, Hispanics embody a large share in the market. By way of example the baby and children sector can mention. Almost half of all newborn babies are descendants of Hispanics. In summary, it can be stated that the Hispanics as a whole influences the United States in every department.
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