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    ProfiWebDesigner ProfiWebDesigner ist offline

    Website Templates Business For Sale


    With over 7 years of business experience, offers pre-made and custom website design and coding solutions.

    The sale of the business includes:

    * 2 domain names (we also consider an opportunity to sell about 50-100 6-year old domain names)
    * unique self-coded website (PR 5)
    * website back-office
    * affiliate program scipt
    * web hosting space
    * weblog (PR 4)

    The right of ownership of using web templates is negotiable.
    Providing customers' support is a separate subject of negotiation.

    The website has a fantastic potential and is a great solution for web hosting providers, ad agencies, communication firms, complementary service providers, etc.

    Full information will be disclosed to parties that express a serious interest.


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    Website Templates Business For Sale

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