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  1. #1
    Lil Swisher

    EA Madden NFL ´10

    Hier mal der erste screen

    The visuals are undoubtedly pretty impressive and I'm sure it will make American Football fans quiver worldwide. Moore writes:

    "The old adage says, "A picture is worth a thousand words", and that is certainly true in this fantastic shot ... Over the next several weeks you're going to be hearing more about how this year's game is going to continue to push the boundaries of authenticity in gameplay, presentation, and art style. It's the fight for every yard in the NFL that makes the battles playing out on Sundays throughout the fall and winter so compelling. From everything I have seen in Madden NFL 10 so far this year, the authenticity of gameplay is showing striking improvement in physics, realism and responsiveness. Having recently sat through a full product review from our team in Orlando, it's abundantly clear that this could be the deepest, most graphically-rich Madden ever, and a stunning testament to the talented development team who have had a maniacal focus delivering a landmark title to Madden Nation in 2009."

    Of course, it's Peter Moore we're talking about here and he's known for his over the top enthusiasm and exaggerations, but all I can say is, let the picture do the talking and what he says doesn't sound that over the top.

    In other totally random news, Madden NFL 10 is now officially game number 1,000 as our games database reaches the four digit mark. Grab the kids, this is a time for celebration. They'll be penning this day in the history books for years to come and you witnessed it being added. Seriously though ... I just thought it was pretty cool.
    Quelle: Peter More´s Blog

  2. Anzeige

    EA Madden NFL ´10

    Schau dir mal diesen Bereich an. Dort ist für jeden was dabei!
  3. #2
    Jumpman23 Jumpman23 ist offline
    Avatar von Jumpman23

    AW: EA Madden NFL ´10

    nice das steht auf der must have liste. weißt du schon etwas über den releasetermin swisher?

  4. #3
    Lil Swisher

    AW: EA Madden NFL ´10

    Die teile kommen meißt immer im August raus denke das Madden 10 auch im August released wird.

  5. #4
    _Kool_Savas_ _Kool_Savas_ ist offline
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    AW: EA Madden NFL ´10

    Grafik ist echt mal HAMMER !
    Dachte grad das wäre echt =)

  6. #5
    Lil Swisher

    AW: EA Madden NFL ´10

    Zitat _Kool_Savas_ Beitrag anzeigen
    Grafik ist echt mal HAMMER !
    Dachte grad das wäre echt =)
    Ja gäh?
    Ist echt heftig die Grafik aber ob es jetzt Gameplay grafik ist weiß man auch noch nicht ...

  7. #6
    Jumpman23 Jumpman23 ist offline
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    AW: EA Madden NFL ´10

    jo die sind ja sowieso bearbeitet

  8. #7
    Timmcheck Timmcheck ist offline
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    AW: EA Madden NFL ´10

    sollte nich schon längst ne demo draußen sein?

  9. #8
    MiZassaro MiZassaro ist offline
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    AW: EA Madden NFL ´10

    Soweit ich weiß, erscheint das Spiel wegen zu geringer Umsätze nicht in Deutschland. Wirst es also nur als Import bekommen, deswegen vielleicht mal auf dem US Marktplatz gucken.

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