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  1. #181
    Halo3_VT Halo3_VT ist offline
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    AW: Assassins Creed - Eindrücke, Lösungen, Tipps & Tricks

    Zitat R.Nadal Beitrag anzeigen
    aso aber wen ich alle missions teile mache bekomm ich leben dazu oder? aber wen ich die mission gemacht habe kann ich noch die teile machen ne oder?

    thx Mr Banane
    Ja du bekommst Leben dazu.Wenn du alle beiden Streifen voll hast kriegst du ein
    Erfolg freigeschaltet.Was meinst du mit den Teilen ? Meinst du die Nebenmissionen ? Ja kannst du.Spiele es mal durch dann verstehst du es auch besser.

  2. Anzeige

    AW: Assassins Creed - Eindrücke, Lösungen, Tipps & Tricks

    Schau dir mal diesen Bereich an. Dort ist für jeden was dabei!
  3. #182
    R.Nadal R.Nadal ist offline
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    AW: Assassins Creed - Eindrücke, Lösungen, Tipps & Tricks

    ich meine zb es gibt 6 nachforschungen und ich brauch nur 2 zu machen ,ist es besser wen ich alle mache?

  4. #183
    Halo3_VT Halo3_VT ist offline
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    AW: Assassins Creed - Eindrücke, Lösungen, Tipps & Tricks

    Zitat R.Nadal Beitrag anzeigen
    ich meine zb es gibt 6 nachforschungen und ich brauch nur 2 zu machen ,ist es besser wen ich alle mache?
    Der Vorteil ist wenn du alle machst,du kriegst einen Synchro,aber musst du nicht denn du kannst es ausgleichen indem du die Bürger rettest und auf die Türme kletterst die das Adlersymbol haben.Besser mach 2 Nachforschungen.Du sparst dir dabei Zeit,aber ich weiß nicht wie das mit dem Spaß ist.Bei welchem Gedankenabschnitt bist du ?

  5. #184
    R.Nadal R.Nadal ist offline
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    AW: Assassins Creed - Eindrücke, Lösungen, Tipps & Tricks

    ich habe grad tamir gekillt

  6. #185
    sUfLeX sUfLeX ist offline

    AW: Assassins Creed - Eindrücke, Lösungen, Tipps & Tricks

    Wow, dann haste das Spiel ja fast durch ^^

  7. #186
    R.Nadal R.Nadal ist offline
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    AW: Assassins Creed - Eindrücke, Lösungen, Tipps & Tricks

    jo ^^ habs am 6 ten bekommen .

  8. #187
    pYroticFlames pYroticFlames ist offline
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    AW: Assassins Creed - Eindrücke, Lösungen, Tipps & Tricks

    Hey, wollte mal fragen wer die ganzen flaggen schon hat???
    und ich bräuchte dabei hilfe denn ich finde einfach keine flaggen mehr, hat da jemand von euch vill ne lösungwo die ganzen flagen sind???

  9. #188
    R.Nadal R.Nadal ist offline
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    AW: Assassins Creed - Eindrücke, Lösungen, Tipps & Tricks

    ist das nicht auf der karte eigezeichnet?

  10. #189
    pYroticFlames pYroticFlames ist offline
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    AW: Assassins Creed - Eindrücke, Lösungen, Tipps & Tricks

    welche Karte meinst du?? meinst du das hud wo immer da ist???

  11. #190
    R.Nadal R.Nadal ist offline
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    AW: Assassins Creed - Eindrücke, Lösungen, Tipps & Tricks

    nein geh auf start dan karte und dan kannte auswaählen unten links zb missionzile und türme und ich glaub da sind auch die flaggen

    hasste das spiel schon durch?

  12. #191
    pYroticFlames pYroticFlames ist offline
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    AW: Assassins Creed - Eindrücke, Lösungen, Tipps & Tricks

    jeep, habe ich^^ und dann einfach unter einem alten gedächtniss abschnitt rein gehen..

  13. #192
    Thewinho Thewinho ist offline

    AW: Assassins Creed - Eindrücke, Lösungen, Tipps & Tricks

    ich hab mir dass spiel nur ausgeliehen zum glück weil ich finde dass das spiel sehr eintönig ist und man es eigentlich an einem tag durchspielen kann

  14. #193
    gurol13 gurol13 ist offline
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    AW: Assassins Creed - Eindrücke, Lösungen, Tipps & Tricks

    also ich find das spiel total geil
    egal ob es so eintönig mann hat ja die freiheit was man machen und welche missionen man starten will und diese Grafik einfach der wahnsinn(hab meine xbox360 neu bekommen war mein erstes spiel

  15. #194
    n!tR0* n!tR0* ist offline
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    AW: Assassins Creed - Eindrücke, Lösungen, Tipps & Tricks

    hab ne kleine frge

    spiel ac gerade 2te mal durch und wollt mal wissen wie bez. ob ich dieses nervige fenster im linken berreich des bildschirms ausschalten kann ? ihr wisst schon da wo z.b. im train immer steht was man drücken muss usw.... geht das irgendwie aus das fucked voll ab

    ansonsten mega game i love it *g*

  16. #195
    Loki Loki ist offline
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    AW: Assassins Creed - Eindrücke, Lösungen, Tipps & Tricks

    Schau mal in den Optionen, da kannst du die Huds in allen 4 Ecken (unten links, unten rechts, etc.) abschalten.
    Oder meinst du die "Tutorialanzeige" (z.B. wenn man ne Flagge einsammelt), die kann man imo (leider -.-) nich abstellen.

  17. #196
    sUfLeX sUfLeX ist offline

    AW: Assassins Creed - Eindrücke, Lösungen, Tipps & Tricks

    Ja, bei dem Spiel wurde einfach an alles gedacht xD

  18. #197

    AW: Assassins Creed - Eindrücke, Lösungen, Tipps & Tricks

    Hallo zsammen,
    hab ne frage wegen den könig richard flaggen bin bei den römerruinen zw jerusalem und akkon, und da sind flaggen auf säulen versteckt wo man nicht ran kommt kann mir da jemand helfen wie ich da rankomme?
    danke im vorraus

  19. #198
    KingMarc KingMarc ist offline
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    AW: Assassins Creed - Eindrücke, Lösungen, Tipps & Tricks

    So leute ich helf jetzt mal ein bisschen mit den Flaggen & Templern :



    20 Flags:
    1: In front of the tower ( where you can climb 2 levels) in the practice yard
    2: in the same tower at the highest level of the tower
    3: In the left back corner of the library
    4: in the back courtyard of the library on a fountain pillar
    5: at the end of the same courtyard as in 4
    6: When you do the leap of faith at the first mission, cross the first beam and its at the end on a ledge
    7: on a beam thats hanging over the river, behind a building
    8: follow the path of flag 7 and just climb/walk in a straight line, you'll see it
    9: when coming out of the creed building go left of a ladder on a cliff, its down the ladder
    10: on top of the building thats shown in the map
    11: on top of the building thats show in the map, its a 3 story building its on the first roof
    12: just follow the roofs of these houses and you'll see it eventually
    13: on top of the building
    14: on top of the building
    15: in a little garden like place
    16: on top of the building
    17: on top of the building in a corner
    18: between two buildings
    19: on top of the building
    20: on top of the building


    ImageShack - Hosting :: kingdomkm7.jpg

    1. Behind a wooden cart.
    2. On the side of the road, next to a stone building.
    3. At thw docks, on a boat.
    4. At the docks, in the end of a wooden walkway.
    5. On a stone wall, next to a Viev Point Tower.
    6. On a rooftop, on top of a chimney.
    7. Up high on the roof.
    8. Higher ground, on a one story roof.
    9. Hanging on a wooden platform.
    10. On the roof of a building.
    11. On the roof of a stone building.
    12. At the end of the cliff, near a tree.
    13. On the other side of the guard post cliff, down a ladder.
    14. On the ground level, between some bushes.
    15. Up high, on that guard post cliff with archers.
    16. On the ground, next to the View Point Tower.
    17. Behind a small tent, next to the View Point Tower.
    18. In the middle of some stone ruins.
    19. On top of an archery tower.
    20. Behind a stone wall on the ground.
    21. At the side of the road, behind some bushes.
    22. Behind the View Point tower, climb one story up.
    23. Near the guard tent camp, on a short wooden sword rack.
    24. On top of an upright wooden beam, holding a hanging wooden platform. Jump on it from the archery tower.
    25. On top of an archery tower.
    26. On top of an archery tower.
    27. Between four tents on the ground.
    28. In a deep hole in the ground, middle of the camp.
    29. In a deep hole in the ground, middle of the camp.
    30. Under a archery tower.
    31. On the ground, next to a tree and a large rock.
    32. On the ground, behind a stone building.
    33. On top of an archery tower, near a View Point tower.
    34. Behind the View Point tower, next to a spiked wooden fence.
    35. Behind a stone building, near some bushes.
    36. On the roof of a stone building.
    37. On the other side of the ruin site, on top of an short pillar.
    38. On top of a stone roof.
    39. On top of the large arched building.
    40. This famous flag can be obtained by climbing on top of the large arched building, then jumping to a pillar in front of it. Then jump to this pillar holding the flag, and hold B as you drop, so you get a firm grab of the pillars ledge.
    41. On ground near the large arched building, between a stone pillar and a tree.
    42. In the middle of the ruin site, under a wooden walkway.
    43. On top of a stone pillar.
    44. On top of a stone pillar. Climb the stone wall to reach it.
    45. On top of a stone pillar. Climb the stone wall to reach it.
    46. On the other side of the ruin site, on a rock.
    47. On higher ground, behind the View Point tower located in the guard post.
    48. Behind a stone buildinh, near a fenced horse area.
    49. In middle of the guard camp.
    50. On the side of the road, on a wooden roof.
    51. On the top of the View Point tower.
    52. On a wooden cart, guarded by numerous guards.
    53. On the same wooden cart, guarded by numerous guards.
    54. On the roof, on a upstraight wooden beam.
    55. Next to a View Point tower, between some bushes.
    56. ???
    57. Higher ground, on a rooftop, on a wooden overhang.
    58. On a wooden beam that looks like a hanging tree or something.
    59. On the roof of a building.
    60. Behind some bushes, near the cliff side.
    61. On a small piece of land, in the middle of the small lake.
    62. On the roof of a stone building.
    63. On the ground, between a stone hut and stone building.
    64. ???
    65. On a one story roof, on top of a chimney.
    66. On the side of a building, on a overhang.
    67. Hanging on a wooden platform.
    68. On the ground, inside the courtyard of the stone building.
    69. On the ground, next to some stone ruins.
    70. On the roof of a stone building.
    71. On the ground, behind a ruined stone wall.
    72. On top of an archery tower.
    73. On the roof of a small building.
    74. On the roof, on a wooden overhang.
    75. About half way up on the View Point tower, near the stone railing.
    76. On a wooden platform, there is a group of guards near it.
    77. On the roof, one story up, behind taller structure.
    78. On the ground, on a wooden cart.
    79. Dot on the map may be misplaced; I found this from a steep cliff, near the road, south of the dot, across that lake.
    80. Behind a building, on a barrel.
    81. In the middle of the camp, on a barrel.
    82. In the middle of some palm trees, on a piece of land surrounded by a little river.
    83. On top of an archery tower.
    84. On top of an archery tower.
    85. On top of an archery tower.
    86. On top of an archery tower.
    87. On a small wooden roof, next to a View Point.
    88. Higher ground, near the border of a cliff.
    89. Next to a stone hut, behind small wooden cart.
    90. At the end of that tiny river, between two cliff sides.
    91. On higher ground, next to a stone hut.
    92. On the roof of an stone building, between two domes.
    93. Behind a building, next to a well.
    94. Near a tall palm tree and some bushes.
    95. Behind a stone hut, next to a small cliffside.
    96. On the ground, between a bush and wooden fence.
    97. On the ground, behind an archery tower.
    98. In the middle of the road, on a small rock.
    99. On top of an archery tower.
    100. On a curved stone "beam", on the stone building.

    Damascus (Poor)

    ImageShack - Hosting :: damascuspoorov9.jpg

    33 Flags:
    1- In a boat at the end of the canal
    2- On a high, small wooden plank
    3- On a high wooden bridge connecting two buildings, stretching over the canal
    4- In the boat at the very end of the canal
    5- On top of a small cage/spire, next to a rooftop garden
    6- On a small, one-story structure with a wooden roof in a small courtyard
    7- On a wooden balcony up one story, on a building right on the city border wall
    8- On a tall upright pole, which sits on a 1-story wood deck in between two 2-story buildings
    9- On one of the several skinny wooden planks over the indoor street (this is inside the long building!!!
    10- Ground, in small alley between building and fenced garden.
    11- On the roof of the long building, near the edge, where the long, dome-shaped divider meets the edge
    12- On a wooden roof connecting the roofs of two buildings
    13- On a short porch on the side of a building, near ground level
    14- On the ground, in a small alley
    15- On the corner of the roof of the building with a large dome, in plain view
    16- On the roof of the small, triangular building, in plain view
    17- Down a tiny alley with a bench that is easy to miss, under a wooden roof
    18- At ground level, right next to a building, to the left of the haystack
    19- Down a small alley with the exact same layout as Flag 17
    20- On a small wooden overhang on the side of a building, near ground level
    21- At ground level, near the wall of a building
    22- On a wooden roof one story up, under a wooden overhang
    23- At ground level, in a small alley
    24- At ground level, in a small garden with no entrances; you must jump over a short wall to get into it
    25- At ground level, in a small alley
    26- On a wooden overhang on the wall of a building
    27- In plain view, on a short wall in the middle of a short set of stairs
    28- In a section of the roof closed off by the long, dome-shaped divider
    29- At the end of a small alley, at the bottom of a ladder
    30- On the roof of a building, next to the large dome, in plain view
    31- On a small, ground level porch
    32- Ground level, down a small, twisting alley between two buildings
    33- On a wooden roof one story up, surrounded by 3 two-story buildings

    Damascus (Middle)

    ImageShack - Hosting :: damascusmiddlezi3.jpg

    1. Ground level, in a small courtyard, under a curved stone roof.
    2. On a wooden overhang.
    3. On the roof, in plain sight, next to one orange safe place.
    4. This on is also in ground level, in a small courtyard.
    5. In between a one and two story buildings, in bottom of a ladder.
    6. On the roof, next to some crates, in plain sight.
    7. Again, in ground level, in a small courtyard.
    8. Above the plaza, on a hanging wooden platform.
    9. Ground level, in a short alley, next to a tree.
    10. In a narrow alley, next to/behind a stone wall, depends on which side you approach it.
    11. On a small one story roof, next to a ladder.
    12. On a wooden balcony resembling structure in the side of the large building.
    13. This is inside the large building that has a courtyard inside, in one of the corners of the walkway on ground level.
    14. In between a one and two story buildings, in bottom of a ladder, there is a wooden overhang above it.
    15. In a short alley, next to a tree, door and a ladder.
    16. On the rooftop, in middle of three domes.
    17. In a closed off area by the large temple at ground level.
    18. On a stone overpass, next to a cage-resembling structure, with ladders on both sides.
    19. Up high on the roof, on a wooden beam.
    20. On a wooden overhang, behind one of the domes of the large building.
    21. On the roof, between a small building and the city wall.
    22. On a rooftop, in plain sight, next to the city wall.
    23. Again in a narrow alley, next to/behind a stone wall, depends on which side you approach it.
    24. On the roof, in plain sight, next to some crates.
    25. Up high on the roof, on a wooden overhang.
    26. In a small courtyard, behind a ladder, under a wooden overhang. The courtyard also has double wooden doors guarded by two guards.
    27. On the roof, on top of one of those cage-looking structures.
    28. Ground level, on top of small stairs, in front of a door, next to a fence.
    29. On a rooftop, between some crates and baskets.
    30. On a small rooftop one story high, there is a wooden beam above it.
    31. On the roof, next to some crates.
    32. On a small roof, one story high, next to barrels and a door.
    33. Ground level, in front of a door, surrounded by fence.
    34. Also in a small courtyard, behind a ladder, under a wooden overhang.

    Damascus (Rich)

    ImageShack - Hosting :: damascusrichhu4.jpg

    33 Flags:
    1- In the middle of a room one story up without a roof
    2- In plain view, on a roof 2 stories up
    3- On a wooden platform hanging over the street
    4- Damascus rich #4 is on a wood awning overlooking the canal. You need to climb the building then drop down to the awning and you should land right on top of it.
    5- On a roof 2 stories up
    6- At the end of a small alley with two sets of stairs, right in front of a large wall.
    7- Inside one of the hallways surrounding the large courtyard, at ground level
    8- High up on a wooden plank in the opening in the wall (guarded by 4 guards on the ground)
    9- On a low wooden overhang at the end of a small alley
    10- In the middle of a small, half-destroyed room a couple stories up
    11- In a tiny room on the side of the small room with a bench
    12- Ground level, near a well and a tree, next to the canal
    13- On a small, ground level bridge extending over the canal
    14- Ground level, in a small room on the side of the street
    15- This one’s tricky. Get to ground level inside the courtyard and look up to its location on the map. You should see it a couple stories up on a balcony. Climb up to its level and shimmy over to it.
    16- Climb up to the roof and look down into the courtyard. It’s on a pillar in the courtyard.
    17- On the roof, right next to the huge dome
    18- Ground level, in a small alley
    19- Ground level, in a small courtyard enclosed by some buildings
    20- Way up on the highest tiled roof
    21- In an open room one story up
    22- In a corner down an alley, at ground level
    23- On top of the long dome-shaped divider on the roof
    24- Ground level, in a corner, outside the covered market
    25- On a wooden plank above a door on the street
    26- In an open room one story up
    27- On one of the wooden planks above the market, inside the building
    28- At ground level in the covered market, in a side room
    29- On a roof 2 stories up
    30- In an open room one story up
    31- In a balcony in a courtyard enclosed by some buildings
    32- At the top of the highest roof; as far as I can tell, you have to climb up from the inside of the building
    33- Ground level, on a platform in the water

  20. #199
    KingMarc KingMarc ist offline
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    AW: Assassins Creed - Eindrücke, Lösungen, Tipps & Tricks

    Acre (Poor)

    ImageShack - Hosting :: acrepoortq1.jpg

    33 Flags:
    1- Ground level, in a corner under a wooden overhang, just to the left as you walk in through the gate
    2- On an enclosed part of the roof one story up, try to find it from the second story roof
    3- Ground level, in an alley
    4- Ground level, right next to the city border wall, in some shrubbery
    5- On the roof attached to the large golden ball, in plain view
    6- Up on the roof of the half-destroyed building
    7- All the way at the top of the roof, in the middle of the front wall
    8- Inside the ground-level half-destroyed building
    9- High up on a wooden overhang which can be reached by jumping across wooden planks, on the city border wall
    10- Ground level, in plain view, in the center of a fountain
    11- On a wooden roof one story up
    12- Ground level, under a wooden roof in an alley
    13- Ground level, in the corner of the courtyard
    14- On top of the large, broken platform on the roof
    15- On a wooden roof one story up
    16- On a short wooden overhang on the wall of a building
    17- Ground level, in a short alley
    18- In plain view, on a roof
    19- In a destroyed section of the building one story up
    20- Ground level, in an alley between the large wall and a building
    21- On the roof of the building this number is on, there should be a hole, dropping through this, will land you on a wonden overhang in the market, you should land on the flag.
    22- In plain view, on a wooden roof 2 stories up
    23- Ground level, right next to the wall of a building
    24- Ground level, hidden in some shrubbery at the end of an alley
    25- Ground level, next ot the wall of a building in a large building
    26- On the woodne roof of one of the destroyed buildings, one story up
    27- On a wooden roof two stories up, in plain view
    28- On a wooden overhang hanging over the rocks on the outside of the city
    29- On a high wooden plank connecting the buildings over an alley
    30- Inside a half-destroyed building two stories up
    31- On a raised part of the roof near a roof hiding place
    32- On a wooden roof one story up, next to a half-destroyed building
    33- Ground level, under a slight overhang in this curved narrow alley

    Acre (Middle)

    ImageShack - Hosting :: acremiddleiq2.jpg

    1. In the side of the plaza, next to a building and a pile of stone rubble.
    2. On the roof, in plain sight.
    3. On a wooden platform above on the side of the street.
    4. On the roof, on a balcony looking spot, surrounded by wooden fence.
    5. On the roof, next to a orange safe place.
    6. Behind the wall that surround the fortress looking place, in the corner on the ground.
    7. In middle of the plaza, on a stone pillar that is attached to some wooden beams.
    8. Up high in the fortress, on one of the watch towers.
    9. Outside of the fortress wall, near a tree.
    10. At the bottom of the large city wall tower, in the end of the walkway.
    11. In the roof of the building that has a big golden dome.
    12. Above the street, on a stony archway.
    13. In the roof, near some carpets in a triangle shaped area.
    14. Up high on the roof, in plain sight.
    15. One story up, inside a destroyed room.
    16. Behind the church, on the railing of the large window.
    17. One story up, inside a destroyed room.
    18. On a stony archway above the street.
    19. Ground level, in front of the church in middle of a fountain.
    20. On a stony archway above the street.
    21. Ground level, at the market area, on a small wooden roof.
    22. Ground level, in middle of the street on a stone railing.
    23. Above the street, on a archway that has wooden roof.
    24. Above the street on a stony archway.
    25. In a small alley, close to a ladder.
    26. On the roof, on a wooden overhang.
    27. On a wooden beam above the street.
    28. At the end of a short alley, next to a ladder.
    29. On a wooden roof above the street.
    30. On the roof, in the corner behind some structures.
    31. On the roof, between a dome structure and a building.
    32. On the roof, in plain sight.
    33. On top of the guard tower/lighthouse that's right next to Sibrand's ship.

    Acre (Rich)

    ImageShack - Hosting :: acrerichqk7.jpg

    1. On the roof, surrounded by wooden fence.
    2. On a wooden overhang on the side of street, you may need to drop from the roof to get it.
    3. On the roof, near a chimney resembling structure.
    4. Ground level, near a set of stairs, behind a rock wall.
    5. Ground level, at the bottom of a ladder.
    6. In a small alley, on a wooden overhang.
    7. On the roof, next to a small rock dome.
    8. Ground level, in front of a wall water ornament.
    9. In middle of a water fountain.
    10. On the roof, next to a small rock dome.
    11. On a lower rooftop, between two higher buildings.
    12. High up on the roof, in plain sight.
    13. On a wooden overhang, next to some palm trees.
    14. On the roof, next to a small rock dome.
    15. Ground level, in the street, next to some barrels.
    16. On a wooden overhang outside the city, you need to climb on a roof and drop from there.
    17. Ground level, next to a merchand stand.
    18. On a rooftop, in plain sight.
    19. On a high wooden overhang.
    20. Ground level, in middle of a Y-intersection, next to couple of palm trees.
    21. Ground level, inside that large building with courtyard, in the corner.
    22. On a wooden overhang, outside of the city walls, you need to drop from the roof to get it.
    23. On the roof, in plain sight.
    24. On the roof, in plain sight.
    25. For this one, you have to climb all the way up on the cathedral tower, perhaps highest spot in the game. Tip: As you need to get on top of that cross, make sure you are facing the cross so that the vertical beams point to left and right as you look at it.
    26. This is the half destroyed tower in that HUGE cathedral building where a Templar is standing. The flag is on top of the broken wall.
    27. On the cathedral building, about halfway up, on that ledge walkway.
    28. On a rooftop, in plain sight.
    29. On the roof, in a triangle-shaped part of the roof.
    30. In a small alley on the city border, there are two of those mad guys walking here.
    31. This is tricky: It is on a tiny wooden roof on the front side of the citadel. You can
    reach it by climbing up the citadel wall, either from inside or from the front using the wooden platforms.
    32. Same kind of location as Flag 31.
    33. Up high in the citadel watch tower.
    34. Easy to miss. It's next to the citadel wall, but not as high as the other rooftops. It's
    on a wooden roof.

    Jerusalem (Poor)

    ImageShack - Hosting :: jerusalempoorhn9.jpg

    1. On a wooden overhang, I think you need to climb on the roof and drop down to it.
    2. In a small gap between three buildings, on a wooden roof.
    3. In a small courtyard, under a little wooden roof.
    4. On a roof on plain sight, right next to a Reach High point.
    5. On a wooden roof, 1 story up, between two buildings.
    6. In a small shadowy courtyard with some benches.
    7. Exactly as number 6, in a small shadowy courtyard with some benches.
    8. Ground level, on top of small stairs.
    9. On a wooden roof, one story up.
    10. In the end of a short alley.
    11. In middle of an alley.
    12. On the roof, on a cube-shaped small building part.
    13. On a wooden overhang.
    14. On a rooftop, between a building and the city wall.
    15. On a wooden overhang, there is a haystack and a well below it.
    16. Ground level, in the end of an alley.
    17. On a small wooden rooftop, one story up.
    18. Up high on a rooftop, in plain sight.
    19. On a upright wooden plank, right next to one of those orange safe places.
    20. In a small room, right behind the guy who is speaking to people in front of the synagog.
    21. Right next to the city wall, on top of a wooden roof covered in leafs.
    22. Up high on a roof, on plain sight, near the synagog.
    23. On a low wooden overhang, near the domed building.
    24. On the side of the same building as 23, a little higher, on top of a wooden balcony.
    25. Up high on a wooden roof, right next to a archway that goes over the street.
    26. Ground level, top of small stairs, behind couple of baskets.
    27. Again, on a wooden roof, surrounded by three building walls, next to a crate.
    28. In a small fenced courtyard, in middle of some palm trees.
    29. On a wooden roof, surrounded by 3 buildings, next to a ladder.
    30. On a roof, in plain sight.
    31. On a roof one story high, next to a ladder and curved corner.
    32. Wooden roof with a low fence, right next to a ladder.
    33. In a small, shadowy alley, in between stairs and a ladder.
    34. On a wooden roof, surrounded by wooden fence.

    Jerusalem (Middle)

    ImageShack - Hosting :: jerusalemmiddlefu0.jpg

    1. On the roof, in plain sight.
    2. On a wooden overhang, at the corner of two buildings.
    3. On a wooden pedestal, ground level.
    4. Ground level, at the bottom of a ladder, next to a wall water ornament.
    5. On the roof, surrounded by wooden beams.
    6. Ground level, in front of a wall water ornament.
    7. Ground level, in a corner of a small alley.
    8. On the roof, at the corner of two structures.
    9. On the roof, in plain sight.
    10. In a small fenced courtyard, next to some palm trees, obscured by some plants.
    11. In a dead-end alley, next to a haystack-cart.
    12. On a wooden roof, on top of an upright wooden beam.
    13. In a small alley intersection, on a pile of crates.
    14. Near ground level, on a wooden roof, next to some crates.
    15. High up on the roof.
    16. On the roof of the building with rusty dome.
    17. Ground level, in the middle of a water fountain.
    18. Ground level, in a fenced area, next to some crates.
    19. On a wooden overhang at the side of the street.
    20. On a stone archway above the street.
    21. On a wooden roof, near ground level, next to a ladder and some wooden beams.
    22. On a small roof area, surrounded by wooden beams.
    23. On a wooden overhang, high up.
    24. High up on the roof, on the small structure, in plain sight.
    25. Rooftop, between wooden beams and crates.
    26. On the roof, in plain sight.
    27. On a wooden overhang, next to a ladder, and there is a bench under it.
    28. Ground level, next to a stone wall and a carpet on the wall.
    29. On the roof, in plain sight.
    30. On a wooden overhang on the side of the street.
    31. Inside the large building, on the narrow wooden roof that surrounds the courtyard.
    32. On the roof, surrounded by wooden beams.
    33. On a grating overhang at the side of the street.

    Jerusalem (Rich)

    ImageShack - Hosting :: jerusalemrichzx7.jpg

    33 Crosses:
    1. Ground level, in alley between building and city wall.
    2. Inside church in rafters
    3. On top of a patio in the middle of a square
    4. Roof level, next to city wall
    5. Top of scaffolding on roof
    6. Center of roof of large church
    7. Ground level, end of alley
    8. Top of upright pole on roof
    9. Ground level in alley
    10. Roof of building, in between 3 small domes
    11. Ground level, dark indent next to entrance to indoor market
    12. Roof of indoor market
    13. Small roof with ladders next to wall of indoor market
    14. Roof next to crates against city wall
    15. 2nd story roof next to city gate
    16. Small wooden overhang, about 2 stories up, north side of building
    17. Roof, small stone overhang facing High Point
    18. Roof, small wooden overhang over walled garden
    19. On top of stone pillar in walled garden
    20. Ground level, next to a market stall in street
    21. Roof, next to square, across alley from rooftop garden
    22. Roof, fenced balcony next to table and stools.
    23. Roof, on upright pole, next to rooftop garden
    24. Ground level, end of alley next to city wall
    25. Roof, next to haystack
    26. Top of triple archway at entrance to temple
    27. Ground, next to fountain
    28. Peak of roof, opposite end of dome
    29. Ground level, alley
    30. Ground level, on porch behind crates
    31. Roof, on small roof between two buildings and ladders
    32. Ground level, between 2 buildings
    33. Rooftop next to a chimney

    So, jetzt müsstet ihr eig. alle flaggen & Templer finden können


  21. #200

    AW: Assassins Creed - Eindrücke, Lösungen, Tipps & Tricks

    Ich hab's auch und ich finde es genial.
    Sobald ich das Spiel durch habe, gehe ich auf Flaggenjagd.

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