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    RikuValentine RikuValentine ist offline
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    AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

    Schau dir mal diesen Bereich an. Dort ist für jeden was dabei!
  3. #762
    Ventus Ventus ist offline
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    Wird auch damit zusammenhängen, dass er als einzigster der Drei nicht an der Prüfung zum Meister teilnehmen kann....

    YouTube - Birth by Sleep. Japanese cutscene- 05 - Final Ending (Part 2)

    Secret Ending Teil 2 auf German:

    YouTube - KH: Birth by Sleep - Geheimes Ende / Secret Ending (Teil 2)

    Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep - erste inoffizielle Verkaufszahlen aus Japan

    Seit dem 9. Januar 2010 ist Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep (PSP) in Japan erhältlich. Heute sind erste vorläufige Verkaufszahlen aufgetaucht, nachdem schon gestern bekannt geworden war, dass der Titel in einigen Geschäften gar ausverkauft ist. Demnach konnte Square Enix an den ersten beiden Verkaufstagen stolze 500.000 Exemplare verkaufen, wie japanische Blogger berichten. Auf offizielle Zahlen muss man allerdings erst warten. Trotzdem zeichnet sich die erwartete Entwicklung ab, dass es Birth by Sleep durchaus mit den Hauptteilen der Reihe aufnehmen kann und nicht wie die bisherigen Ableger mit durchschnittlichen Verkaufszahlen endet. Mit 500.000 Einheiten wäre schon nach zwei Tagen nahezu die Gesamtverkaufszahl von Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days in Japan erreicht! Zudem könnte Birth by Sleep der erfolgreichste PSP-Titel von Square Enix in Japan werden. Dissidia: Final Fantasy und Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core konnten sich jeweils nur etwa eine Million mal verkaufen.


  4. #763

    AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

    Geht um das 2.te Secret Ending also nicht den Spoiler lesen, wenn ihr es nicht wissen wollt xD

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  5. #764
    RikuValentine RikuValentine ist offline
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    AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

    Zitat RonixD Beitrag anzeigen
    Geht um das 2.te Secret Ending also nicht den Spoiler lesen, wenn ihr es nicht wissen wollt xD

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  6. #765
    Ventus Ventus ist offline
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  7. #766
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  8. #767
    RikuValentine RikuValentine ist offline
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  9. #768
    Ventus Ventus ist offline
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  10. #769
    RikuValentine RikuValentine ist offline
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  11. #770
    Ventus Ventus ist offline
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    AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

    Das ist ja das schlimme (oder schöne? oO) an KH:
    Man sieht zwar was passiert, doch selbst wenn man die Schlüßelszenen kennt hat man keinen Plan, was warum wann wo wie passiert.

  12. #771

    AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

    Zitat Rox91as Beitrag anzeigen
    Das ist ja das schlimme (oder schöne? oO) an KH:
    Man sieht zwar was passiert, doch selbst wenn man die Schlüßelszenen kennt hat man keinen Plan, was warum wann wo wie passiert.
    Außer du spielst es ^^
    Dann schon. Ich habe das Gefühl, dass die Story von BBS ziemlich traurig wird.

  13. #772
    Ventus Ventus ist offline
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  14. #773
    Nikado Nikado ist offline
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    In the latest issue of Shounen Gangan, a new interview with Tetsuya Nomura has been shown in the latest issue with more information from the new KINGDOM HEARTS title "Birth by Sleep". The information from the interview does not contain spoilers. For the most part, the information that is given is very interesting.

    Translations were written by Heart Station.
    – Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep expands the story on the world shown in the Secret Movie contained in Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix. I remember the considerably contents of the Kingdom Hearts world represented in it left me with a sense of discomfort.
    Nomura: Since the Secret Movie had a lot of surprise meanings, I assume your experience with the KH world up until then had been completely different; the story in it couldn’t possibly be connected! At least that’s the feeling it seemed to give off.

    – Not to say that the true meaning of that movie will be revealed in this title… So there were some things I wanted to ask you about Birth by Sleep, it seems that in this game Keyblades become a point of interest in the story.
    Nomura: Indeed. However, in order for the story to proceed, I got the feeling that we needed to explain what exactly this thing that is shrouded in mysteries called a Keyblade really was. In the world of Birth by Sleep, multiple people can use a Keyblade, why is it that this sort of activity has disappeared from Sora’s world, those sorts of concealed secrets are revealed in this title. This time it is established in the story that Terra, Ventus, and Aqua are pupils being raised as successors of a Keyblade Master. From there those three’s story begins.

    – So it’s the story of the three pupils, Terra, Ventus, and Aqua.
    Nomura: The three parts of their story are prepared, going to various Disney Worlds on their own respective adventures. The foundation of the story is developing whichever the player chooses; however there are points within the story where the three cross paths. If you only play through one character’s part, you can’t understand the whole story. When you experience each of the three character’s parts and complete the various mysteries, their stories connect to make up on big story.

    – So the three characters adventure to various Disney Worlds, what kind of ideas did you have in mind when deciding which worlds would be introduced in the game?
    Nomura: Since Birth by Sleep is a story about the past that takes place before Kingdom Hearts 1, we wanted the worlds that didn’t appear yet of the seven princesses existing around that time. For that reason, we chose worlds the princess’s worlds to appear like Snow White and Cinderella.

    – Other than the princesses, young Riku and Kairi, Hercules in training, and also people resembling Organization XIII members also appear.
    Nomura: Keeping in time with the storyline from Kingdom Hearts 1, we put included the past storylines of characters who have already appeared. For the Organization XIII characters, it establishes them during their time as humans. With this battle system, anyone is capable of unleashing the magnificent special moves!

    – The battles of this title implement new systems like Style Change among other things, please tell me the reason for it!
    Nomura: The Kingdom Hearts series is played by a wide range of players, from lightweight to hardcore. And so, when we were trying to think of a system that both kinds of players could enjoy, we arrived at the current Style Change. The style also automatically changes if you mash the buttons, releasing a magnificent deadly technique, and if you put your Deck Commands together properly, you can initiate Style Change as you aim, also releasing a deadly technique. The system that formed both these methods is Style Change, you see.

    – Other than that, there were also new systems called Dimension Link and Shoot Lock!
    Nomura: Dimension Link releases a strong technique borrowing the power of far away friends. In this title, there’s no party battle, so we adopted this system in order to direct the bond with the friends you fight alongside even in battle. As for Shoot Lock, in the series up until now we had Lock On to fix onto attacking enemies, but we’d made an effort to evolve the battle system so far, and thought we’d better evolve Lock On too. It’s a much more thought out system. Please try to think of this title as Kingdom Hearts, “Episode 0”!

    – Finally, please say one more line to the readers and the fans of the series!
    Nomura: Since Birth by Sleep is the first part of the Kingdom Hearts storyline, I’d like if you considered it as Kingdom Hearts, “Episode 0”. This title isn’t placed as a side story, with its storyline and battle system, it is substantial like that of a numbered title. Also, there are Secret Movie-like contents in it. Since you could say that is the true ending, I want you to see it by all means! By seeing it, you can tell how much further the Kingdom Hearts story expands!

  15. #774
    RikuValentine RikuValentine ist offline
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    BBS Site Update!

    Friday, 15 January 2010

    Hello folks.

    The Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep official website has recently updated for what could possibly be the final time. Additions include more information on the Mirage Arena, including new gameplay videos and character renders, along with a few new commercials. Enjoy--

    KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep

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  16. #775
    Ventus Ventus ist offline
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    AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

    Mit wem denn, Aqua oder Ventus?

  17. #776
    RikuValentine RikuValentine ist offline
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    AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

    Zitat Rox91as Beitrag anzeigen
    Mit wem denn, Aqua oder Ventus?

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  18. #777
    Ventus Ventus ist offline
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    AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

    Klasse, hat sich ja richtig gelohnt gegen den SB zu bestehen.

  19. #778
    RikuValentine RikuValentine ist offline
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    AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

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    Klasse, hat sich ja richtig gelohnt gegen den SB zu bestehen.
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  20. #779
    Ventus Ventus ist offline
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    AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

    Bei dem SB vom Final Mix + hatte man wenigstens noch nen Funken zur Story erfahren, aber hier?

  21. #780
    Overhero Overhero ist offline
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    AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

    Das Secret Ending enthält genung Story .

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